PVDIS Overview
PVDIS vs SIDIS PVDIS SIDIS Can you find six differences between these panels? GEM Layout, Extra E-Cal, Beam Pipe Target Location, Baffles (PVDIS), Cerenkov’s,
Motivation for PVDIS Standard Model d/u for Hydrogen Di-quarks in No sin2θW Di-quarks in the nucleon (Q2 Dependence) CSV at Quark Level
Preparations for the Director’s Review (11/1/11) Presentable C Design (Malace, Fuchey) Presentable Calorimeter Designs (Huang) Presentable MRPC Design Settle on Field Maps (Reimer) Realistic CLEO baffle, acceptance, FOM (Riordan)
Cont. Finish tracking framework (Riordan) Backgrounds (Zana) GEM response, digitization Tracking in GEMC Backgrounds (Zana) Resolve background discrepancies: GEANT3, Geant4, FLUKA Finish radiation hardness studies Monte Carle backgrounds for C detectors
Cont. Quantitative DAQ analysis issues SIDIS Trigger PVDIS Precision Calibration Elastic events for momentum calibration (Rich) Tracking alignment: Blockable holes in baffles?
Cont. PVDIS sytematic issues Pion asymmetry based on DIS pions to photopions Spatial resolution of tracks 35o relative to beam axis Rate dependent effects, including corrections to Q2
Cont. Calibration and systematics for SIDIS -- PVDIS target (JP)
Statistical Errors (%) vs. Kinematics A/Q2 should be perfectly flat! (Modulo small y-dep) 4 months at 11 GeV 2 months at 6.6 GeV Error bar σA/A(%) shown at center of bins in Q2, x 9 September 2010 Paul E. Reimer, PAVI 11
Pile-up and Dead Time Dither Intensity: ~10-2 Empirically measure all effects. Reduce Acceptance and vary Intensity by 20% Correct for density variation Calibrate BCM Solid target Linear Luminosity Monitor
Sensitivity: C1 and C2 Plots World’s data 9 September 2010 Paul E. Reimer, PAVI 11