A Multi-disciplinary Perspective on Decision-making and Creativity: Using the Diversity of Truth-seeking and Sense-making to Advantage in Organizational Contexts Wayne Smith, Ph.D. Department of Management CSU Northridge Updated: Friday, November 16, 2018
12 – Personal and Societal
Personal Creativity “Mental Locks” (or “Blocks”) Attitude
Personal Creativity Right Answer That’s not logical Follow the rules Be practical Play is frivolous
Personal Creativity That is not my area Don’t be foolish Avoid ambiguity To err is wrong I am not creative How do we address these issues that mute our creative ability?
Recent Thoughts on Happiness Francesca Levy The World’s Happiest Countries http://travel.yahoo.com/p-interests-35010143 Free of pain, rested, respected, and intellectually engaged Richard Florida The Rise of the Creative Class (2003) Talent, technology, and tolerance Daniel Gilbert Stumbling on Happiness (2007) “Where to live?”, “What to do?”, and “With whom to do it?”
Sources von Oech, R. (1998), A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative, Warner Books. Williams. S. (2002), Making Better Business Decisions: Understanding and Improving Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills, Sage Publications.