Blasting Regulations Regulatory Requirements for NCDOT Blasting Operations
Disclaimer The information presented in this presentation has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and is intended to be a tool to assist and guide you in building your own presentation. This program may not address all the hazardous conditions or unsafe acts that may exist. For that reason, SPIN cautions users to confirm accuracy and compliance with the latest standards and best practices. Local, State/Provincial and Federal regulations take precedence over this material. Implementation of any practices suggested by this program is at your sole discretion, and SPIN will have no liability to any party for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the information provided or its use.
Legal Standards 29 CFR Part 1910 - General Industry 29 CFR Part 1926 - Construction BATF DOT Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
General Provisions: General requirements not specifically related to a particular operation or procedure Usually broad in scope “Do’s and Don’ts”, “Always and Nevers” Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Blaster Qualifications: Knowledge and Experience Training Physical Ability Evidence of Competency Certified Blaster Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Storage of Explosives: Storage in Magazines Separate Magazines for Explosives and Detonators Separation Distances barricaded unbarricaded Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual. mention weights added when not separated by this distance
Transporting Explosives Requires CDL with Hazmat Endorsement Proper Placarding No smoking, etc. Same vehicle for explosives and detonators may be permitted Route Plan Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Loading Explosives: No operating equipment within 50 feet of loaded holes Load only those holes intended to be fired in the next round Warning signs posted Check all holes for depth prior to loading Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Initiation of Explosives: Connections from boreholes back to source of firing current Survey for extraneous electricity Solid Connecting & Lead wires EB detonators all the same kind Proper resistance Leg wires shunted Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Initiation of Explosives - cont: Only the Blaster shall: be in charge of the blasting machine connect lead wires to machine test circuits with Blasting Galvanometers fire the shot immediately disconnect lead wires after firing the shot Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Firing the Blast: Code of signals, familiar to everyone, must be posted Loud warning signal prior to firing the shot Flagmen posted at every roadway passing through the blasting zone Blaster must assure safety Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Post Blast Inspection: Disconnect firing line immediately after blast Allow sufficient time for dispersion of fumes Blaster must verify all charges have fired before others are allowed into blast area Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Misfires: Exclude all employees from danger zone No other work except that required to clear the misfire First attempt is to re-fire the hole Explosives may be removed by washing out with water if re-fire doesn’t work All non-electric misfires require 1 hr wait Misfires handled by Blaster in charge Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Personal Protective Equipment: Hard Hat Safety Toed Shoes Reflective Vest Safety Glasses Gloves Hearing Protection Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
Other Regulated Operations: Underground Transportation - 1926.903 Use of Safety Fuse - 1926.907 Use of Detonating Cord - 1926.908 Underwater Blasting - 1926.912 Blasting in Excavation Work Under Compressed Air - 1926.913 Speaker notes to be adopted from current Instructor Manual.
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