gas gas liquid gas liquid solid solid gas liquid
State of matter changing to another Bell work 2. What is a phase change? Give an example. Is it a physical or chemical change? State of matter changing to another melting physical
Let’s watch a video clip about matter! States of Matter Click to go to the next slide.
Temperature 12. Temperature is the measurement of how fast the particles are moving. Temperature measures the kinetic energy of the particles in an object. Water will freeze at zero degrees Celsius. However Alcohol will not freeze at this temperature. MAIN MENU PREVIOUS NEXT
gas Boiling or condensing Melting or freezing liquid solid
Pressure 13. Pressure is defined as the force the gas exerts on a given area of the container. MAIN MENU PREVIOUS NEXT
14. Gas Laws - Boyle’s Law Charles Boyle determined that for the same amount of a gas without changing the temperature, if we increase the volume, the pressure goes down. pressure volume MAIN MENU PREVIOUS NEXT
15. Charles’ Law Jacques Charles found that as the volume increases the temperature also increases. If the temperature decreases than the volume also decreases. volume temperature MAIN MENU PREVIOUS NEXT