Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set
Activity 1 – The Iron Curtain Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 1 – The Iron Curtain
Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 2 – Berlin
Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 3 – NATO
Activity 4 – The Korean War Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 4 – The Korean War
Activity 5 – McCarthyism Red Scare Activity Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 5 – McCarthyism Red Scare Activity
Directions: You will participate in an activity in which you will form groups based on your secret identities You will each receive a piece of paper Some are blank. Some have a dot drawn on them There are fewer dots than non-dots When you receive your piece of paper you must secretly look at it. If you receive a dot you must not reveal it to anyone. When you have finished looking, hide it or put it in your pocket.
Goal of Activity: The goal of the activity is to form as large of a group of “non-dot” members as possible Points: The largest group of “non-dot” students will win points. The whole group will lose if there is one “dot” member in your group. “Dot” members will win points for being the only dot in a group.
Advice: Since everyone in the class will deny having a dot you must look for any indication of suspicion. If you suspect someone has a dot you should say out loud, “Bob is a dot!” If you are a “Dot” then you must bluff to convince others that you are not a dot.
Ready? What questions do you have? On GO: You have 5 minutes to talk to each other and form groups with “nondot” members. When I turn off the lights, you must freeze in your place and talking must end immediately. No exceptions.
Activity 6 – Cuban Missile Crisis Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 6 – Cuban Missile Crisis
Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Activity 7 – Vietnam War
Culminating Unit Performance Task Cold War Poster Gallery Grade 5, Unit 7 Source Set Culminating Unit Performance Task Cold War Poster Gallery
Directions for poster project – see following slides for more detail Review notes, journals, and activities from this unit related to the topic your group has chosen. Discuss how you can summarize the topic and represent that summary visually on a poster. Sketch the poster with pencil first and then use markers, colored pencils, or crayons to add color Display the poster for your classmates in a poster gallery. Do a Gallery Walk as a way to review the unit topics.
Sample Summary Poster – a presidential administration
Tips for an effective summary poster Convey main ideas visually. Use text sparingly. Use color to make a point. Plan placement of objects to convey your meaning. Sketch entire layout in pencil first. Check spelling and punctuation before adding color. Consider whether your topic needs a map or what other visuals are needed. Be sure of your historical information; check and double check.