Quikstart Guide Vehicular Personal Goods
USER GUIDE Satellite Location Phones: Business Office: (664) Nextel: 152*132808*9
WEBSITE ACCESS Here you will find the Internet address and the procedure to enter.
OPEN YOUR INTERNET BROWSER Enter here the website address Click on english version
OPEN YOUR INTERNET BROWSER The website now will be in english Click on enter
USERNAME and PASSWORD. Enter your user name and password. Enter data provided by the Company User name and Password Click on ENTRADA NOTE: If you do not have a username and password, try the demo or contact your provider.
LOCATE Here you will find information needed to make a location.
MAIN MENU Mapping. Change Map to Hybrid.
TRACKING Tracking: Last location and movement. Last location and movement. PING: Real-time location. Real-time location. Engine disabled. Engine disabled. Ignition enabled. Ignition enabled.Alerts: Unverified alerts. Unverified alerts.Stop: Shows the time of the vehicle turned off. Shows the time of the vehicle turned off. Last Position: Shows the time of the last action requested. Shows the time of the last action requested.
Locate Click on SEND to perform the action indicated. Request Process indicator Bar.
Locate Successful response to the request
History Capture the date range and click SEARCH. Click on PLAY to start playing the video. Enable or disable the option to display points. (optional) By clicking on the arrow starts the course from its first ignition until the last movement during the day.
History RouteTijuana - Mexicali
REPORTS Here you will find the allowed reports for your unit.
MAIN MENU Reports Reports. Select the most common report.
Reports Specify the date range and click RUN REPORT button.
Reports Mileage and fuel used in route in route Tijuana – Mexicali Mexicali - Tijuana
WE APPRECIATE YOUR PREFERENCE We remind you that we have a monitor central 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.