Survival in the Academy
Nature of the University Section 1 Nature of the University
Nature of the University Types of Universities Multiversity Comprehensive university Smaller colleges and universities Urban-centered university Community college/university branch University that emphasizes graduate studies History of University Issues Facing Universities
Issues Facing all Beginning Academics Section 2 Issues Facing all Beginning Academics
Issues Facing all Beginning Academics Campus Politics “University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.” - Kissinger The Nature of the Political Game Understand the power structure Make allies, take sides; Find Mentor Develop a research and publication plan Cultivate teaching skills See to the ambiance of your life style Make moral decisions about your relationships Be prepared to deal with moral and political issues
Issues Facing Nontraditional Members of Academe Section 3 Issues Facing Nontraditional Members of Academe
Issues Facing Nontraditional Members of Academe The Standpoint of Nontraditional Academics Motives and behaviors in individuals; “Rules” = institutional structures, policies and practices “Add women and stir” vs. “Add one and stir” Marginalization Tradition = “This is how things work”. Manifestations in Benefits, Policies, Evaluation
Section 4 Securing a Position
Securing a Position Starting Point of the Job Hunt The most important place to start the job hunt is with yourself Put together your unified career priorities to match career talent to career desires and goals Effective self-analysis Preparation of Materials All About the Interview
Section 5 Starting Out
Starting Out The Nature of Tenure Beginning Tenure: The Frantic Cycle Dealing with the frantic cycle Managing the relationships Dealing with administration Making allies Successful tenure performance
Section 6 Professionalism
Professionalism General Obligations: Conduct research and disseminate the results Teach well Serve the academic community and the community at large And: Maintain collegiality Make sensible decisions about your career
Section 7 Teaching in the College and University
Teaching in the College and University What is Teaching? Are there special considerations when teaching MIS? To support technical, complex information: Pictures are worth 1,000 words Concrete business examples are worth 10,000 words How do Outstanding Teachers Develop Their Skills?
Research and Publication Section 8 Research and Publication
Research and Publication “Publications are your only portable wealth.” - Nunamaker Good Advice from Book about Research: Identify questions that should be resolved and are interesting to you How can the field be advanced by answering these questions? Set priorities When You are Not Writing, Read! The Path to Publication Understand the top journals in field and what they require Persevere!
Criticism and the Academic Professional Section 9 Criticism and the Academic Professional
Criticism and the Academic Professional When We Submit Ideas, We Invite Criticism We have to learn how to: Accept criticism gracefully and productively Solicit even more feedback/advice In Teaching, We Have to Give Feedback Resistance to Criticism: Refusal to Participate Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Begging for Mercy Denial Suspicion Rationalization
Section 10 The Future
The Future Corporatization Professionalization Politicization Dangers Focus on profits and academics Professionalization Focus on professional development not intellect Politicization Federal/State control of resources Dangers Loss of: Core values/Mission? Collegiality?
Wrap-up/Questions In the End: Reading about Academic Career is Not Doing – Just Do It! Being a Professor and Having the “Life of the Mind” Means You Have the Best Job in the World!