Embedding Emotional, Mental Health & Wellbeing Support in Longhill High School Fi Barton, Assistant Head, Longhill High School Dan Geer, Primary Mental Health Worker, Schools Wellbeing Service
I am Whole, Anti Stigma Campaign
Establishing a school triage system Established school systems to identify YP with possible SEMH concerns Development of a school triage system Members of multi agency school triage panel agreed Development of referral pathways and referral form Dedicated admin time Knowledge of in school & city wide services to support YP’s emotional, mental health & wellbeing
Embedding the PMHW role in school Dedicated room space and access to IT and phone systems 2 days a week ring-fenced time 70/30 split between whole school approach and 1:1/group work Establishment of key relationships in school, HOY, Pastoral Support Team, EWO, Inclusion Team, SENCo, School Counsellor, School Nurse, Admin & Support Staff
Work so far……. ½ day training: Managing adolescent anxiety in school School staff: ½ day training: Managing adolescent anxiety in school Twilight workshop: Working with YP who hear voices Twilight workshop: Update on changes to YP’s MH services in Brighton Individual consultation to staff Liaison between school & Specialist Camhs Planned: Supporting middle & senior leaders to have supportive conversations with staff Reflective practice for staff: Positive focus self harm group Guidance on how to support traumatised YP
Students Yearly timetable of groups: Targeted exam stress group for Yr 11 Managing anxiety group– Yrs 10 & 11 1:1 work across all year groups, largely Yrs 9, 10 & 11 Joint work with EWO: Students who find it difficult to attend school Multi agency support to students following a critical incident Student voice
Parents Workshop for Y7 parents – supporting your child through transition Informal consultation – Yr8 parents evening Planned workshop: managing exam stress: a parents guide Including parents in joint assessments
Overcoming barriers… Willingness to be self reflective Dedicated time for the EMHWB lead SLT recognise the importance of EMHWB support in school