Charcoal Briquettes Cheap, environmentally-friendly bio fuel and devices 2.009 Blue Team A Dexter Ang, John Brewer, Kevin Chen, Greg Fonder, Danny Hilton, Matt Krueger, Andres Pino 2.009 Blue Team A October 7, 2004
Piston Extrusion 2.009 Blue Team A
Piston Manufacturability All simple parts from local materials Sheet metal, bicycle parts, bent tubing 2.009 Blue Team A
Piston Performance Semi-continuous process Full piston cycle every 4 pedal revolutions 15ft charcoal per minute Semi-Continuous Process; Full revolution of piston in 4 full pedal revolutions.; 1 piston revolution = (6in stroke)*(7 in^2 area)-(compressibility factor) = (3 in^2 area)*(12 ft log) at 60 rpm = 15 piston cycles per minute = 15 ft coal per minute 2.009 Blue Team A