February 7, 2016 A Time to Share God’s Love.


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Presentation transcript:

February 7, 2016 A Time to Share God’s Love.

Acts 2:32-41 Experiencing the Promise.

Acts 2:32-41 Experiencing the Promise.

Introduction: Today in following our calendar passages we are going to look at the text especially in Acts. 2:39. The verse emphasizes the fulfillment of The Promise God made years ago by Joel. In Joel 2: 28-32, God thru Joel makes a promise that Peter preached in Acts 2. What is amazing is that Joel was written in 830 B.C. and the record of Acts 2 took place in AD.33. When Peter preached the sermon to the multitude of people who were present he said, “For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” (Acts 2:39) If you read the full text of Acts chapter two you will read that the Holy Spirit had arrived and those that he fell upon began to speak in all the languages of those present, which brought amazement.

“For the Promise.” (Acts 2:39) First what is a promise?

"what happened to all those firm promises of support?" ˈpräməs/ noun 1. a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. "what happened to all those firm promises of support?" synonyms: word (of honor), assurance, pledge, vow, guarantee, oath, bond,undertaking, agreement, commitment, contract, covenant"you broke your promise"

"he promised to forward my mail" 2. synonyms: indicate, lead one to expect, point to, denote, signify, be a sign of, be evidence of, give hope of, bespeak, presage, augur, herald, bode,portend; More verb 1. assure someone that one will definitely do, give, or arrange something; undertake or declare that something will happen. "he promised to forward my mail" 2. give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation). "forthcoming concerts promise a feast of music from around the world" synonyms: give one's word, swear, pledge, vow, undertake, guarantee, contract,engage, give an assurance, commit oneself, bind oneself, swear/take an oath, covenant; archaicplight "she promised to go"

What was the Promise God gave and Peter preached that was fulfilled What was the Promise God gave and Peter preached that was fulfilled? 1) It was the arrival of the Promised Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:17, 38) The Holy Spirit that in the context brought miraculous abilities and His presence to all believers. Miraculous gifts for the new church and His presence for the life of each Christian within the Lord’s church. In Acts 1: 4-5, 7-8 the Lord told the Apostles that the Spirit of God was on His way and not to leave Jerusalem. In Acts 2: 2-6, He arrived and gave the ability of languages to the Apostles and those present with them. A promise that God spoke thru Joel years earlier, came to fulfillment. The Helper had come. (Jno. 14:26)

2) Salvation to all men who would accept Christ 2) Salvation to all men who would accept Christ. (Acts 2:21,38) Salvation offered to all because of the sacrifice on the cross of Jesus. Acts 2:36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-this Jesus whom you crucified. Lessons: 1) God is a keeper of Promises. (vs. 36) 2) The Holy Spirit is here. (vs. 4,17,38) (Jno.7:38/Living water) 3) Salvation in Christ, Forgiveness of sin is offered now. (vs. 21,38) For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (21), For all whom the Lord calls to Himself (39).

4) The Promise is offered to whom. (vs. 39) 4) The Promise is offered to whom? (vs.39) *For you-All listening at that time to Peter. *Your children-Generations to come. *For all who are far off-Gentiles (Us) (Acts 10, Eph. 2:11-13), “you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Conclusion: Promises to some people don’t mean much! Popcorn balls! Even worse is the divorce rate among Christians, our word and commitments to one another, ignoring of our promises to our children. Even much worse is rejecting the promise of God in reception of Salvation in Christ and presence of the Spirit of God Himself.