Year 3 Residential Trip Thursday 28th June – Friday 29th June. Caldecotte
Why? An one day introduction to the residentials offered at Bushfield. An opportunity to build independence Experience a wide range of outdoor activities which they may not usually do. Delivers an extended curriculum Explain about the residential process. Link to other residentials as they go further up the school. To help push them outside and give experiences outside their normal comfort zone. It’s a new residential – we won’t be sleeping in the school like last year.
What is Caldecotte? Caldecotte is a local outdoor activity centre based in Milton Keynes. The Caldecotte Xperience offers a variety of exciting adventurous activities and learning experiences for young people and adults, from 8 to 80.
Where? Caldecotte Xperience based in Simpson, Milton Keynes (next to the lake) It is 6.7 miles from school. About 15 minutes drive away from school. The lake is a 5 minute walk from the centre.
Staff Mrs Thomas (Trip Leader) There will be up to 5 members of staff on this trip. (dependent on the number of children) The majority of the staff will be from Year 3. There will be at least one medically trained member of staff. Staff will be based on the number of children that go. It will be a mixture of teachers and TA’s. Whilst we are gone, half of the year group will be doing some other activities at school and so will be needing to come into school as normal.
Sleeping - tents Everyone who goes will be sleeping in tents. The tents hold groups of 4 – 6 children. They will be brand new at the beginning of the season.
Safety Children will be accompanied on activities by Bushfield Staff and an instructor from the centre. All Instructors have completed National Governing Body qualifications and have been assessed to lead activities by Caldecotte Xperience. There will be water activities however the children will be wearing buoyancy aids at all times - they do not need to be able to swim. It is a supervised site with CCTV on the field covering the tents. CCTV is on the field covering the tents. Instructor qualifications – Risk assessments – required by governing body inspections. No need to be able to swim – will just bounce and float.
Activities They will do a mixture of four, instructor led, activities across the 2 days. Climbing Archery Canoeing River Cross Raft building Orienteering They will be split down into 5 groups. Ratio at Caldecotte: 1 instructor: 10 children. All children will have 2 water activities. 2 activities will be on the Thursday. 2 activities will be on the Friday.
Timetable- 1st day Leave school to arrive at Caldecotte for 11:15. Travel by minibus. First activity (11:15pm – 12:45pm) Lunch – run by staff (packed lunch) (12:45pm – 1:15pm) Own activities – run by staff (1:15pm – 2:45pm) Second activity (3:30pm – 5:00pm) Dinner (17:00 – 18:30) Evening activity – run by staff (18:30 – 20:00) Bed time – about 9:00pm to 10:00pm. Children will be shuttled down to Caldecotte in the minibus with all of their stuff. Activities will be 1.5 hours each. Finish will be at 3pm on the Friday (last activity at 2:45). In order to facilitate children being there as long as possible, would anyone be able to drop their child at Caldecotte??? Speak to SSMC. See which parents are likely to say yes.
Timetable Breakfast Third activity (09:30am – 11:00am) Self led orienteering – run by staff (11:15am – 12:45pm) Lunch (12:45pm – 1:15pm) Fourth activity (1:15pm – 2:45pm) End of trip – Children will be brought back to school by minibus. Collect from school (3:30pm – 4:00pm) Children will be shuttled down to Caldecotte in the minibus with all of their stuff. Activities will be 1.5 hours each. Finish will be at 3pm on the Friday (last activity at 2:45). In order to facilitate children being there as long as possible, would anyone be able to drop their child at Caldecotte??? Speak to SSMC. See which parents are likely to say yes.
Travel Children arrive at school as normal on Thursday morning and sign in with all their clothes, and other things which are required. Travel by minibus to Caldecotte from school. Return to school on Friday 29th June (15:30 – 16:00). Children to be collected from school.
Food Breakfast – Cereals, milk, toast, butter, jams and yoghurts. Lunch – filled baguettes, crisps, fruit and chocolate biscuit bar. Dinner – hot dog, burger, salad, coleslaw, pasta salad, and ice cream. Evening – Squash, tea, coffee, milk, hot chocolate, and biscuits. Go into details with what is on the menu. Catering for all dietary requirements. BBQ Thursday evening. Lunch – sandwiches Breakfast – Cereal and toast
Cost £67 for the residential. This includes: Activities Food (dinner, breakfast, snacks, supper, lunch (second day). On-site and qualified instructors. Tents Required safety kit. Children will need to provide a packed lunch for the Thursday lunchtime. Go into details with what is on the menu. Catering for all dietary requirements. BBQ Thursday evening. Lunch – sandwiches Breakfast – Cereal and toast
What will they need to take? Roll mat (There is just a ground sheet in the tent. These can be bought for about £5 from Tesco) Sleeping bag Pillow 2/3 spare changes of clothes – which are suitable for activities. Suitable shoes (not flip-flops) Overnight stuff A more detailed kit list will be available at the next information evening.
Important information Registration of interest will be opened up for this trip after the meeting. Please sign up by Wednesday 6th December. Deposits (£30) will need to be received by the school by Friday 2nd February 2018 to confirm your child’s place. If deposits aren’t paid, your child’s place on the trip is at risk. If your child has a place on the trip, you will receive details about the left over payment (£37) confirming that they have a place on the trip. Deposits can be paid at any point in time, but this is the latest date.
Oversubscription There are 50 spaces available for the residential. In the event of the trip being over subscribed, all requests handed in by the deadline date will be chosen at random until the trip is full. Remaining children will be put onto a reserve list. Names will be pulled out of a hat after the deadline – Wednesday 6th December.
More information A second information evening will be arranged closer to the residential for parents whose children are going on the trip. This will cover more information about the food, and the final details of the trip, to do with sleeping and activities.
Any questions If you have any concerns or queries, please come and speak to a member of staff this evening, or to a member of the office team at a suitable time.