Unit 1 HLP: Home Learning Project American History Puppet Project
1. Choose a famous person from early American History. Colonial Times/ Early United States Christopher Columbus (discovered North America) King George III (King of England) George Washington (Commander of Continental Army) Benjamin Franklin (inventor) Paul Revere (Revolutionary War) General Charles Cornwallis (British General) Thomas Jefferson (wrote the Declaration of Independence) Westward Expansion Andrew Jackson (president) Merriweather Lewis and William Clark (explored the west) Civil War Abraham Lincoln (president who ended the Civil War) Jefferson Davis (led the Confederacy) Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad) Frederick Douglas (helped end slavery) Name of the person you are doing your project on is due: August 30th
2. Make a Puppet Your puppet should be homemade using craft materials and things you have around the house. Be creative. Do not buy a puppet that is already made. Have the puppet hold something that represents the person you researched. For example, George Washington could hold the Declaration of Independence, and Harriet Tubman could hold a map
3. Complete Note-taking sheet/organizer Use the internet and/or books to complete the note-taking guide. You should be able to write something on every line.
4. Write a Report in first person Prepare a report on your person that is between three and five minutes long. The report should pretend that the puppet is speaking. Speak in the first person as if you were the character. For example, you would not say “Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president”. You would say, “My name is Abraham Lincoln. I am the 16th president”. Your report should be based on your internet and/or book research from your Note-Taking Sheet. You may NOT read directly from something you copied from the internet or a book! That is called plagiarism and it is illegal. Your report MUST be in your own words. Your report should include ALL of the information from the note-taking guide. You can change the information around and put it in any order you want. You can also add more information if you want.
5. Present Give this paper to your teacher so she can grade you. Use your puppet creatively during the oral report so it doesn’t just “sit there”. Be prepared to answer questions from the audience. Have fun!! Presentation will be performed on the project due date: September 20th