How to set goals and make your dreams happen. SMART Goals How to set goals and make your dreams happen.
Believe and you will achieve! Before you can have a successful goal, you must first believe in yourself. Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. ~Henry Ford Check your motivation for achieving your goals. If this is not from your heart and mind, it will not be a success.
Studies show that people who set goals and WRITE THEM DOWN are more successful than those who don’t. --Taken from a recent St. Hilary Church bulletin
Smart Goals Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
Specific The goal should identify a specific action or event that will take place. Not specific Example: I want to do better in Math. Specific Example: I will increase my GPA in math from a 70% to an 85% by the end of the quarter. I will achieve this goal by attending math tutoring 3 times a week.
Measurable The goal and its benefits should be quantifiable. The goal will include dates for starting and ending. Measurable goal example: All ten of my Spanish activities will be completed by Friday the 13th of October. How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished
Achievable The goal should be attainable given available resources. I will eat this cat food by shoveling food into my cone of shame. The goal should be attainable given available resources. The picture is a clear example of a goal that is not achievable.
Realistic Realistic Goal: I will play basketball in the NBA after I graduate from high school. The goal should require you to stretch some, but allow the likelihood of success. Are you willing and able to make this happen?
Timely The Goal should state the time period in which it will be accomplished. Example: I am going to pass the government quiz this Friday by studying and reading the front page of the newspaper every night for 1 hour.
SMART Goal Examples . Vague goal – I want to pass algebra. SMART Goal – I will attend math tutoring 4 days a week and complete all my homework to pass algebra with at least a C. (A’s and B’s might be too much of a stretch for some in certain subjects.) Vague goal – I want to have more money. SMART goal – I want to have a savings account with at least $5,000 within 5 years from this date. Vague goal – I will do my research paper. SMART goal – I will start doing my research paper by 5pm tonight and finish it by 7 pm tomorrow.
Examples Continued… Vague goal- I would like to play varsity basketball. SMART goal- I will practice at least 4 times a week to improve my skills for the next 4 months in order to make it on the varsity basketball team. Vague goal- I would like to volunteer and serve God more. SMART Goal- I will talk to my priest/ pastor this Sunday to sign up for a mission trip this year. Vague goal- I want to be healthier. SMART Goal- I will eat well-balanced meals through the day and maintain a moderate work out regimen 3 days a week with Coach Gary for 3 months.
Long Term vs. Short Term A long term goal takes months, or even a full school semester or year to achieve. An example would be to improve a grade by the end of the semester. A short term goal is a goal that only takes a few days or weeks to achieve. For example- I will complete daily homework assignments this week
Writing your own SMART Goals The first step in writing SMART Goals is to spend some time brainstorming about what it is that you want to achieve—both short term and long term. Your teachers will now give you a green graphic organizer to begin the process.
Instructions for THE GREEN GOAL WRITING WORKSHEET: Read the information and the yellow SMART Goals tip sheet that are listed. Be sure you understand how to word a goal so that it is really a SMART goal. Brainstorm and develop goals in each of the six boxes on the green sheet. Consider your motivation for why you want to achieve each goal and what you need to do to achieve each goal. In the next box, list any obstacles you see and in the final box any solutions or action steps you will take to achieve the goal.
Don’t forget! In order to make these goals happen you need to write them in your planner. At the beginning of every month you will find a monthly calendar. Find the September calendar. On either the lines on the left or the space on the bottom of the right, copy the wording of your Academic Goal for the semester. Then, select one of the other four goals that you really want to focus on and write that in your planner as well.
Tips Share your goals with someone who cares if you reach them. Sharing your intentions with your parents, your best friend, or your teacher will help ensure success. Check your planner frequently to remind you of your goals.
Your SMART Goals Folder Your teacher will provide you with a folder that has your name on it. Place your green and yellow goal sheets in the folder. Your teacher will collect the folders from you . You will have time later in the year to revisit your goals and assess your progress. This will take place during homeroom.
Maybe some quotes in the following video will inspire you to achieve your goals. Copy them onto your note card if they inspire you.
Thank you for participating and best of luck as you begin to make your SMART goals happen!