Greater Wessex Health and Disability Team Jo Osman 19th June 2013
Greater Wessex District As of the 1 April 2013, Southern England Group Districts have reduced from 6 to 5. Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and Wessex Districts have merged to become a new District called Greater Wessex. Tim Taylor-Blake District Manager
The Greater Wessex Mission Use the culture of support and challenge to reduce the levels of worklessness and poverty in Greater Wessex Target our service delivery to those furthest from the labour market, in particular young people and people with health or disability issues SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: EMPLOYERS This slide is to allow the speaker to promote some of the positives around having disabled people in the workforce. Research has found the disabled colleagues (source H&SE website): Are as productive as their colleagues Have less time off sick Stay longer in their jobs Have fewer accidents
The Greater Wessex Customer Promise Our aim is to help and support you into sustainable employment at the earliest opportunity. We will: Treat you as an individual with dignity and respect Ensure you will have a named Adviser, with whom you can build rapport and trust Listen and act on what you tell us Agree with you personalised support, which will move you closer to and into work Challenge you to achieve your best Help you prepare for a future where using the internet is the accepted way to look for jobs and access government services, including registering for your Universal Jobmatch account In return, we would ask you, the customer to: Be open and honest about what you need from us to return to work Honour all agreed contact arrangements, or tell us in good time if you can’t Demonstrate your commitment to securing employment by progressing all the agreed steps on your Action Plan Be prepared to act on any feedback we provide, to improve your chances of securing employment Tell us what is working well and what doesn’t work for you Take up support to help you get online and access services using the internet, including registering for your Universal Jobmatch account via
The Health and Disability Team Structure Emma Taylor- Blake Senior Customer Service Operations Manager Customer Service Operations Managers Carol Norton Lynne Grimes Kim Francome Adviser Team Managers Nicola Binge Andover,Basingstoke & Winchester Lesley Anstis Aldershot, Farnborough, Alton & Bordon Emma Candlish-Welford Fareham, Gosport, Havant & Petersfield Debbie Miller Cosham, Portsmouth Pete Westhorpe Isle of Wight Jo Osman Southampton, Eastleigh & Hythe Claire Bolton Bournemouth, Lymington, Ringwood Linda Lester Poole, Weymouth, Blandford & Bridport Lynn Dewdney Chippenham & Salisbury SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: ALL Operational Stats – can be used to show that we could reach much further. Employer’s Forum on Disability shows that 8.7 million people of working age in the UK have a disability, taking these figures into account that means Access to Work reach 0.5% of potential programme users.
The HDEA Role HDEA teams have been introduced into all Jobcentres within Greater Wessex, this will equip us for the future under Universal Credit. Within the Southampton, Eastleigh and Hythe Jobcentre area, we now have 16 advisers who work to support ESA customers. The HDEA advisers also offer support to JSA/IS advisers who have customers with a Health condition. HDEA Advisers support customers using a caseload approach .All customers in the ESA Work Related Activity Group who are part of the Jobcentre Plus offer, are assigned to an adviser. We believe this gives them the best chance of returning to sustainable employment. Advisers have flexibility in deciding the frequency of contact with their customers. All activities are agreed within an action plan to demonstrate the customer is being progressed with pace and purpose, with regular action items set and followed up.
The Jobcentre Plus Offer Our aim at Jobcentre Plus is to help and support Customers into sustainable employment at the earliest opportunity. HDEA advisers can offer the following advice and support: Flexible adviser support Health related support Work Psychologist Volunteering Range of Skills provision Specialist Advice Better off Calculation Work Experience placements Work Choice Jobsearch support Permitted Work Work Clubs CV and application forms Work Trials SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: ALL Explain the eligibility criteria. Explain that if there is someone who is uncertain as to whether they meet the criteria, contact us to discuss as we will always look to include rather than turn people away. The next slide has contact details for application and is a single contact number where we can field any enquiries people may have.
Jo Osman Southampton, Eastleigh and Hythe Health and Disability Team Manager Tel: 07747472709