Past Future Here and Now!! PRESENT This minute!
Instruct students “Put your hand on your belly and take deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Your belly or stomach should be going out when you breathe in. Concentrate on feeling your stomach going in and out. This is belly breathing.”
Think of four things you see right now.
What are four things you hear right now?
Who remembers what was discussed in the story that this might represent? Accepting mistakes is part of being present. Don’t get caught in thinking about past mistakes. Stay in the here and now, the present.
Show gratitude. Think of 2 things you are thankful for in your life Show gratitude. Think of 2 things you are thankful for in your life. (Keep Breathing)
Choice 1 Choice 2 rap song JusTme Im Present Pop song Common, Coby Callait and Elmo Belly Breathe Choice 1 Choice 2 Cut out each picture on the bottom of the worksheet. Choose 3 or more of these pictures to glue onto the worksheet. Write a sentence about how this picture represents being present. Fill in the sentence below to tell why being present is important. 1.Cut out each picture on the bottom of the worksheet. 2. Glue each picture onto the worksheet in the order that you think is most meaningful to being present. 3. Label each picture. 3. Fill in the sentence below to tell why being present is important. Here is our activity. While you are working on this we can listen to some songs about mindfulness or being present. (see hyperlinks). Notice what you see around you Show Appreciation Listening carefully Accept Your Mistakes Take Deep Breaths WRITE SENTENCES TO GO WITH 3 OF THE PICTURES. LABEL THE PICTURES.