Research Connection Project
What topics have we read about in our articles?
Article Topics -Twin Studies (make a connection to Double Take) - Animal Breeding (make a connection to What Makes A Dog) - Animal Environment Damage (make a connection to A Grim Future for Some Killer Whales) - Genetics (Make a connection to Animal CSI or Do Mosquitoes Love You?) - Cloning (Make a connection to Animal Clones: Double Trouble) - Crossbreeding or Genetic Modifications (Make a connection to Trouble on the Table)
Research Connection Project Task: 1. Find an article that connects to our unit (Nature vs. Nurture). 2. Investigate the article in order to describe the connection to our unit.
How do I find an article? 1. Go to an article database. 2. Type in a topic in the search bar. 3. Skim through the article results to find a connection to our unit. Article Databases:
study or event? Some articles are about a scientific study. Some articles are about an event or a discovery.
What information should I collect? WHO is the article about? WHEN does the event/study in the article take place? WHERE does the event/study take place? WHAT is being discussed in the article? WHY is the topic important? HOW does it connect to our Nature vs. Nurture unit? Our unit is titled Nature vs Nurture. Scientists are trying to decide if we are who we are because of ___________________ or _________________. This article is about ___MICE_____. It shows that ___MICE____ are influenced by their ___GENETICS___ because in the article they are studying___HOW MICE HAVE GENES THAT ALLOW THEM TO FIND CHEESE __. What information should I collect?