Commissions In your Back Office, you would go to the following: Reports > Commissions Commissions
Date: This is the date that this Commission was added Date: This is the date that this Commission was added. Most likely the same time and date as an order Date to Pay: This is the date that the Commission will be paid Commission Type: This is the type of Commission that the Distributor has earned. Fast Start Bonus Cycle Retail Commission Leadership Matching Bonus Comment: If there are any comments in regards to this Commission Order Type: This is the type of Order associated with this Commission Amount: This is the amount of this Commission Total: Total amount of each Commissions
This will allow the Distributor to see their Commissions that they have earned. Once you have clicked on the date using the drop down that you want to view for your Commissions earned, click on search. All Commissions start on a Monday. Commissions are paid out after 2 weeks of earning them. The invoice upload feature is only available for those who select that they are GST registered.
Depending on what type of download is added you will see 2 different images. If you Upload a File, you will be able to click on View Uploaded File for each commission.
Depending on what type of download is added you will see 2 different images. If you upload and image, you will be able to View Uploaded image for each commission.
This will display all order that have been placed
Date: This will give you the Date and time Orders were placed User: This will display who placed the order. In this scenario beautybyelle place the order in her Back Office Order #: This will display the Order number for each order that was placed Order Type: This will display what type of Order the Distributor or Customer placed, you can see the following (just to name a few): AutoShip Retail Back Office Signup JSocial Event Registration Total: This will display the total amount of the Order Paid: This will display if the Order has or has not been paid Yes – The Order has been paid for No – The Order has not been paid for Details: This link will provide you with details of the Order Invoice: This link will provide the Distributors and Customers an Invoice. Remember that if they are selling products they need to provide an invoice to the Customer they sold it to and this would be a great way. Track: This link is where you, the Distributor and the Customer would be able to track their Orders. In this scenario, FedEx is the carrier, click on the link. This will take you to the FedEx Tracking. The information that is on the FedEx Tracking will provide the Distributor and Customers with all tracking needs from the carrier.
To view the Invoice of the Order: Click on Invoice This is where you can print the invoice