What was the key impacts and features of the Religious Settlement? Why would there still be some conflict and opposition to it?
MLO: How was the Religious Settlement Challenged?
Puritan Challenge Catholic Challenge Puritans hoped that the Elizabethan Settlement was just a temporary compromise. They were desperate for more reform and changes. Despite the compromise, the Pope issued commands to English Catholics not to attend Church of England services and launched the counter-reformation across Europe
Puritan Challenge Explain in each case what the controversy was over. Crucifix Controversy Vestment Controversy Explain in each case what the controversy was over. What was Elizabeth's actions and how effective was she? Which controversy caused more of a challenge to her throne?
Catholic Challenge 1562 1569 Read p.27-30 and add in the key events along the timeline. Use 2 colours; one for HOME EVENTS One for FOREIGN EVENTS In what year was the greatest threat posed to Elizabeth? Explain why – try and combine events together
Elizabeth was almost overthrown The Pope issued instructions to English Catholic’s not attend church. Many followed this lead and Elizabeth did not carry out harsh punishments The Northern Revolt led to most of the North being controlled by Catholics Nobles and the takeover of Durham Castle. It was eventually put down and thousands were executed Most of Europe was controlled by Catholics. In particular, the powerful Hasburg Empire which included Spain, the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany). France was also Catholic Elizabeth's intervention in France to help the Protestants failed and annoyed Phillip of Spain Spain and England enacted a trade embargo against each other for a year and England constantly upset Spain by giving the Sea Beggars (Dutch Rebels) shelter in English ports The Genoese Loan incident was a risky move by Elizabeth which greatly angered the Spanish. The Dutch Revolt led to a Catholic Army of 10,000 being positioned just next to England’s Coast. This could easily have launched an invasion into England Mary Queen of Scotland, a Catholic with a strong claim to the throne of England, fled to England from Scotland and could provide a leader for English Catholics. She was imprisoned by Elizabeth. The Northern Revolt encouraged the Spanish to support future rebellions, as if the troops under the Duke of Alba had landed to support the Northern Earls, Elizabeth may have lost her crown Elizabeth faced no challenge at all Elizabeth was almost overthrown
Explain why events abroad were a threat to Elizabeth religious settlement? (12) To achieve full marks! An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the focus of the question, showing a clear argument that is sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the features or characteristics of the period studied. You may use the following in your answer: Dutch Revolt Pope Instructions to English Catholics You MUST use information of your own (otherwise Maximum 8 marks)
How far had Elizabeth achieved her aims? Success or Failure? Prevent War with France and Spain Enhance the spread Protestantism by protecting the Dutch Enhance England’s Power Prevent a Civil War in England
You must achieve 60% - or you will re-sit the quiz tomorrow! Quiz Time You must achieve 60% - or you will re-sit the quiz tomorrow!