2016 PM sensor water shield addition in Horizontal Side-Out (ISB and ISX applications) and Vertical End-Out (ISB applications Only) SCR 11/30/2015
Description and Reason for change The water shield on top of the System-Out NOx Sensing Wheel in ISB and ISX SCR Aftertreatment Systems will be changed to accommodate integration of the PM sensor for 2016. This change applies to Horizontal side-out SCRs for ISB and ISX Applications as well as Vertical end-out SCRs for ISB Applications The water shield on top of the System-Out NOx Sensing Wheel will make the PM Sensors more robust against water intrusion. TLA part numbers will not change.
Detailed Description – Water shield for PM sensor The water shield on the NOx Sensing Wheel has been revised Applies to the Outlet of the following configurations Horizontal Side-Out SCRs ISB and ISX applications Vertical End-Out SCRs. ISB Application Only Impact on system back pressure due to the addition of water shield is being evaluated Nox Water Shield PM & Nox Water Shield
Design Change Illustration Horizontal Side out Vertical End Out Current Design ISX New Design ISX Current Design ISB New Design ISB Current Design ISB New Design ISB
Impact to OEM Water shield implementation is expected to have minimal impact on the following Engine Performance Fuel Economy Existing Pressure Drop IQA Results Potential temporary change to tailpipe insertion depth in MR/HD SCR Side-Out See slide 6 for details
Impact to OEM cont. Depth of insertion dimension called out in SCR Side-Out Outlet tubes is currently 55 mm proposed to change to 50 mm temporarily for the SCR part numbers listed: Affected SCR part numbers: A052X521, A053C171, A050G181, A052Z240, A052Z237, A052Z241, A052X406, A052Z234, A052Z244; A052Z239, A050G165, A050G091, A050G054, A050G118, A050G124, A050N496, A050N506, A053F434; A050G169 The tailpipe insertion depth will be 5 mm less. Will this decrease in insertion depth be acceptable temporarily (until February 1st, 2016) for the part numbers listed above? Note: This image is for 5”, but the proposed dimension applies to both 4” and 5”