Innovation as Leadership in Local Government Thursday October 9, 2014
Alpine Shire: Approx. 350 km from Melbourne 4800 sq km 92% public land 13,500 population Based in Bright
A history of trying new ideas: MECC Central (Crisisworks) - 2007 Paper elimination via iPads - 2010 Asset inspection apps - 2011 Fire notice app - 2012
2012 Joe Ratepayer
Fire and Alpine Shire
Here’s what you need to do… I want to build a house. Great! Here’s what you need to do… Council
Pre-application tasks
The problem Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) covers 94% of the shire New developments within BMO must provide Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment to Council as part of a planning application Methods for undertaking a BAL assessment are generally ad-hoc and subjective Expensive
This is what they want to do We need more information This is what I want to do We need more information
This is what they want to do We need more information We need more information We need more information We need more information This is what I want to do This is what I want to do This is what I want to do We need more information This is what I want to do We need more information
OK This is what they want to do This is what they want to do We need more information We need more information We need more information We need more information This is what I want to do This is what I want to do This is what I want to do We need more information This is what I want to do We need more information
The Idea: Automate the BAL assessment process replacing guess work with spatial data and processes Allow a Council Officer to test a number of development locations at a single site to find the best place to build Provide the applicant with standardised plans for inclusion in planning application
2014 Jo Ratepayer
Fire and Alpine Shire 2014
Here’s a new service we offer… I want to build a house. Great! Here’s a new service we offer… Council
Pre-application tasks
BAL Assessment Undertaken by a Council Officer with applicant Opportunity for engagement/education FREE
OK This is what they want to do This is what I want to do
What have we learnt?
Learning 1: Unleash your geeks - Pia Waugh
Develop vendor relationships Learning 2: Develop vendor relationships
Learning 3: Think
Learning 4: Engage end user
Learning 5: KISS
Learning 5: Every application has one purpose. If you can’t name that purpose, don’t build the app - Paul Ramsey, Boundless
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new Learning 6: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein
Thank you