CURTIN CAREERS, EMPLOYMENT & LEADERSHIP Services for Higher Degree by Research Students Specialise in working with HDR students. Gill Neville, Career Development Consultant – for HDRs & Faculty of Health Sciences
Career planning is a very individual activity as we all want different things our of a career and have different things to offer. HDR students often have very specific or niche career plans and find generic career resources aren’t that helpful; so many of you may find one to one careers advice very useful. HDR Careers Consultant role Career pathways with a PhD/MPhil, comparing industry versus academic career options etc. Assistance with job applications – for industry and academia. Plus mock interviews are available to book.
Drive your career (emotional intelligence) Workshop & Online Careers Module Topics: Drive your career (emotional intelligence) Boosting your professionalism Workplace rights and responsibilities Who am I? Decision making strategies Entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship Resumes Cover letters Selection criteria Interviews What is your personal brand? Stop googling, start networking How to get to know your industry Plus, Curtin Leadership Challenge modules – topics such as conflict management, teamwork, making change, self awareness etc
HDR specific topics offered throughout the year – on UniHub/advertised by GRS
Summary 30.07.2010 Final year of your research will be extremely challenging & looking for a job is a full-time job, so start researching potential employers early and plug any skills gaps eGrad School - various free online courses, including ‘Developing your Career’ Academic jobs are extremely competitive – a strategic plan is needed if this is to be realistic e.g. publish, be proactive in your department, network, collaborate Start building your networks from today – f2f & online. Effective use of social media will give you access to info, jobs & influential people = VITAL The Thesis Whisperer – Blog for research students Improve your job application writing skills & get feedback on them before you click ‘submit’ Mock interview practice – contact Careers, Employment & Leadership to arrange an appointment for this: or 9266 7802 Our services are FREE for current students and up to 12 months after you graduate