Chapter 4 Creating Reports and Forms Microsoft Access 2013 Chapter 4 Creating Reports and Forms
Objectives Create reports and forms using wizards Modify reports and forms in Layout view Group and sort data in a report Add totals and subtotals to a report Conditionally format controls Resize columns Filter records in reports and forms Creating Reports and Forms
Objectives Print reports and forms Apply themes Add a field to a report or form Add a date Change the format of a control Move controls Create and print mailing labels Creating Reports and Forms
Project – Reports and Forms Creating Reports and Forms
Project – Reports and Forms Creating Reports and Forms
Roadmap Group, sort, and total in a report. Conditionally format controls in a report. Filter report records. Create a multiple-table report. Create a form using the form wizard. Modify controls in a control layout on a form. Filter form records. Create mailing labels. Creating Reports and Forms
Grouping and Sorting in a Report Open the report to group and sort Press and hold or right-click the Group & Sort button (REPORT LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Grouping & Totals group) to display the Group, Sort, and Total pane Tap or click the ‘Add a group’ button to add a group Tap or click to select the field for grouping and group the records on the selected field Tap or click the ‘Add a sort’ button to add a sort Tap or click the field on which the records in each group will be sorted Creating Reports and Forms
Grouping and Sorting in a Report Creating Reports and Forms
Adding Totals and Subtotals Tap or click the column in the report to total Tap or click the Totals button (REPORT LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Grouping & Totals group) to display the list of available calculations Tap or click the desired calculation Creating Reports and Forms
Adding Totals and Subtotals Creating Reports and Forms
Removing the Group, Sort, and Total Pane Tap or click the Group & Sort button (REPORT LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Grouping & Totals group) to remove the Group, Sort, and Total pane Creating Reports and Forms
Conditionally Formatting Controls Tap or click the field to conditionally format Tap or click the Conditional Formatting button (REPORT LAYOUT TOOLS FORMAT tab | Control Formatting group) to display the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box Tap or click the New Rule button to display the New Formatting Rule dialog box Tap or click the arrow to display the list of available comparison operators Tap or click the desired comparison operator Creating Reports and Forms
Conditionally Formatting Controls Tap or click the box for the comparison value, and then type the desired comparison value Tap or click the Font Color arrow to display a color palette Tap or click the desired color to select the color Tap or click the OK button to enter the rule Tap or click the OK button to complete the entry of the conditional formatting rules and apply the rule Creating Reports and Forms
Conditionally Formatting Controls Creating Reports and Forms
Filtering Records in a Report Press and hold or right-click the field on which to filter Tap or click the desired filtering option Creating Reports and Forms
Clearing a Report Filter Press and hold or right-click the filtered field Tap or click the Clear filter command on the shortcut menu to clear the filter and redisplay all records Creating Reports and Forms
Creating a Report that Involves Multiple Tables Tap or click the table in the Navigation Pane to select it Tap or click the Report Wizard button (CREATE tab | Reports group) to start the Report Wizard Select the desired fields and tap or click the Add Field button to add the field(s) to the report Tap or click the Tables/Queries arrow, and then tap or click the desired table to add to the report Tap or click the Next button three times Creating Reports and Forms
Creating a Report that Involves Multiple Tables Tap or click the arrow in the text box labeled 1 and then tap or click the field on which to sort the report Tap or click the Summary Options button to display the Summary Options dialog box Tap or click the check boxes to calculate the desired calculations Tap or click the OK button Tap or click the Next button, and then select the desired layout and orientation Creating Reports and Forms
Creating a Report that Involves Multiple Tables Tap or click the Next button to move to the next Report Wizard screen, and then type the desired report title Tap or click the Finish button to produce the report Tap or click the magnifying glass mouse pointer somewhere within the report to view more of the report Creating Reports and Forms
Creating a Report that Involves Multiple Tables Creating Reports and Forms
Creating a Summary Report Tap or click the Hide Details button (REPORT LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Grouping & Totals group) to hide the details in the report Creating Reports and Forms
Using the Form Wizard to Create a Form Open the Navigation Pane and select the table on which to create the form Tap or click the Form Wizard button (CREATE tab | Forms group) to start the Form Wizard Add the desired fields to the form Tap or click the Next button Select the desired layout, tap or click the Next button, and then type the desired form title Tap or click the Finish button to complete and display the form Creating Reports and Forms
Using the Form Wizard to Create a Form Creating Reports and Forms
Placing Controls in a Control Layout Tap or click the first control on the form, and then select the remaining controls while holding down the SHIFT key Tap or click the Stacked button (FORM LAYOUT TOOLS ARRANGE tab | Table group) to place the controls in a stacked layout Creating Reports and Forms
Placing Controls in a Control Layout Creating Reports and Forms
Enhancing a Form by Adding a Date Tap or click the ‘Date and Time’ button (FORM LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Header/Footer group) to display the Date and Time dialog box Tap or click the option button for the desired date format If desired, tap or click the option button for the time format you want to include. If you do not want to display the time, tap or click the Include Time check box to remove the check mark Tap or click the OK button Creating Reports and Forms
Enhancing a Form by Adding a Date Creating Reports and Forms
Changing the Format of a Control Tap or click the control of which you want to change the format Click the desired formatting option(s) on the FORM LAYOUT TOOLS FORMAT tab Creating Reports and Forms
Moving a Control Point to the control to move so that the pointer changes to a four-headed arrow and then drag the control to the desired location Creating Reports and Forms
Moving Controls in a Control Layout Tap or click the first label/field to move, hold the SHIFT key down, and then tap or click the remaining labels and fields to move Drag the fields to the desired location Release your finger or the mouse button to complete the movement of the fields Creating Reports and Forms
Moving Controls in a Control Layout Creating Reports and Forms
Adding a Field Tap or click the ‘Add Existing Fields’ button (FORM LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to display a field list Drag the field to add to the desired position on the form Tap or click the ‘Add Existing Fields’ button (FORM LAYOUT TOOLS DESIGN tab | Tools group) to remove the field list Creating Reports and Forms
Adding a Field Creating Reports and Forms
Filtering and Sorting Using a Form Tap or click the Advanced button (HOME tab | Sort & Filter group) to display the Advanced menu Tap or click ‘Advanced Filter/Sort’ on the Advanced menu If necessary, resize the field list so that all the fields appear Add the desired fields to the grid Select the desired sort order Add the criterion to the desired field Tap or click the Toggle Filter button (HOME tab | Sort & Filter group) to filter the records Creating Reports and Forms
Filtering and Sorting Using a Form Creating Reports and Forms
Creating Labels Click the Labels button (CREATE tab | Reports group) to display the Label Wizard dialog box Select the desired unit of measure, and the proper label manufacturer Scroll through the label types and then tap or click the label type matching the labels you want to create Tap or click the Next button Creating Reports and Forms
Creating Labels Tap or click the Next button Tap or click the field(s) you want to add to the label, tapping or clicking the desired position in the prototype label before adding the field(s) Click the Next button Select the field to sort by, and then tap or click the Add Field button Verify the name for the report Tap or click the Finish button Creating Reports and Forms
Creating Labels Creating Reports and Forms
Chapter Summary Create reports and forms using wizards Modify reports and forms in Layout view Group and sort data in a report Add totals and subtotals to a report Conditionally format controls Resize columns Filter records in reports and forms Creating Reports and Forms
Chapter Summary Print reports and forms Apply themes Add a field to a report or form Add a date Change the format of a control Move controls Create and print mailing labels Creating Reports and Forms
Microsoft Access 2013 Chapter 4 Complete