Staff week March 10-14 2014 Luleå University of Technology Monday, March 10 13.00 Lunch at Wibergsgården, hosted by LTU 14.00 Welcome to Luleå University of Technology Professor Johan Sterte, Vice- Chancellor 14.20 Presentation of the university, Lisette Edin, Deputy Head of University Administration 14.45 Presentation of participants 15.15 Campus tour 16.00 Confucius Institute Tuesday, March 11 08.30-12.00 Presentation of Communications Office, Human Resources, Luleå University Library/ Learning Resource Center and Student Service. 12.00 Lunch 13.00 Gammelstad Church Town - Guided tour Wednesday, March 12 09.00-12.00 Workshop according to profession or interest. Workshops Admission Office Communications Office Human Resources LTU Career Luleå University Library / Learning Resource Center Office of Diplomas Service for students with special needs Student Guidance Office Student Exchange Student Reception Desk 14.30 A walk on the ice road 15.30 Free time to explore Luleå city centre
Staff week March 10-14 2014 Luleå University of Technology Thursday, March 13 09.00-12.00 Workshop, continuation from Wednesday. Workshops Admission Office Communications Office Human Resources LTU Career Luleå University Library / Learning Resource Center Office of Diplomas Service for students with special needs Student Guidance Office Student Exchange Student Reception Desk 12.00 Lunch 13.00 Gender equality in working life. Can gender equality function as a tool for efficient and creative work organisations? Professor Lena Abrahamsson, LTU 14.00 Challenges in the urban transforming of Kiruna Professor Kristina Nilsson, LTU 19.00 Dinner at Kulturens Hus, hosted by LTU Friday, March 14 09.00 Teknikens Hus - House of Technology 11.00 Discussions, evaluation and feedback 12.00 Lunch, hosted by LTU Welcome to Luleå University of Technology!
Staff week March 10-14 2014 Luleå University of Technology Workshops You choose one workshop for two days (Wednesday and Thursday). Admission Office Presentation of the admission process at each university participating in the workshop. Information on databases used at LTU: EPOK- education database, where all courses are registered – common database used by all universities in Sweden, one application for all universities in Sweden NyA- Swedish National Admission Database Communications Office The Communication Office is responsible for information and marketing activities for the university as a whole, branding, PR; profile media contacts and the university web site. Branding below zero – How LTU has succeed in branding and marketing the university Communications Office invites you to a workshop where all participants share their good practices within marketing and communication. Human Resources The Human Resources Department at LTU is responsible for personnel issues in a broad perspective - appointment procedures, recruitment, introduction, law and collective agreement interpretation and support to managers etc. Focus areas to discuss: How will HR add value to the university? How do we achieve an appropriate salary structure? To recruit and introduce - how to meet the challenges? Best practice in different HR areas, please suggest some area you are interested in.
Staff week March 10-14 2014 Luleå University of Technology Workshops LTU Career The responsibilities for the team at LTU Career Services include teaching career planning to students, arranging career events and ceremonies such as the “Alumni of the Year” Award, graduation festivities, conducting alumni career surveys, administering the alumni database, running mentorship programs, etc. Synergy effects for the university as a whole will be presented, for example the results from the 2012 career survey with graduates can be used in student recruitment campaigns as well as in branding the university and attracting staff and partners and not only by the career center when teaching career and job search preparation. Currently, the Career Service is looking closer at LinkedIn and how it can be used to keep better track of alumni. LTU Career Services and Alumni Association invite you to a workshop where all participants share their good practices within careers and alumni services. Luleå University Library / Learning Resource Center The University library is also a Learning Resource Center. Our most important mission is to be a central resource for information retrieval and to provide learning support for students and faculty. Focus areas to discuss: Services for students, researchers and staff in LTU Changes in library development for the last 5 years. Information literacy: what are we teaching? Bologna process? Discussing: the future of research libraries? Learning Resource Center (LRC): what’s in it? (Teaching in Higher ed, ICT-tools) Office of Diplomas The degree evaluation office handles and issue diplomas for first-, second- and doctoral level. Focus areas to discuss: Presentation of each university and especially how the degree evaluation is organized. How is the degree certificate presented?, Which regulations do you have to follow? Service for students with special needs Universities and higher education institution in Sweden offers educational support to students with special needs. Presentation of how it is organized at LTU. What type of accommodations/support can students receive? What type of disabilities are the most common ones and what are the main challenges that the students are facing during their education?
Staff week March 10-14 2014 Luleå University of Technology Workshops Student Guidance Office At Student Guidance Office we can offer support and guidance to our students throughout their education, assist students with specific structural questions connecting to the education programmes. We can offer guidance to prospective students if they have problem choosing which programme they want to study. Focus areas to discuss: How study guidance is organized at Your university? What can we do for those students who fall behind? Which difficulties can You see are most common around your students when it comes to their studies? Student Exchange The International Office at LTU handle agreements, incoming- and outgoing students, marketing, admission, exchange programmes administration etc. How can the mobility in Europe be increased? Credit transfer Language requirements Centralized or decentralized organizations – advantages and disadvantages Student Reception Desk The purpose of the Student Reception Desk is to increase and to optimize the quality of service to our students, teachers and other guests at the university. The services offered at the Student Reception Desk includes the handling of exams, transcripts, car rentals, help with course registrations, LTU-cards etc.. The Student Reception Desk also includes a university shop where profile products. are sold. Student Reception Desk invites you to a workshop where all participants share their good practices, and experiences from such service to students, teachers and staff.