Health Behaviours of Young People
Syllabus Content Students learn about: health behaviours of young people the positive health status of young people protective behaviours and risk behaviours Students learn to: explore current research and information to: identify the prevalence of and trends in the health behaviours of young people challenge the accuracy of societal perceptions of the health behaviours of young people identify protective and risk behaviours for health issues relevant to young people and predict how risk decreases or increases when multiple factors interact
Health Behaviours of Young People - Overview The health behaviours of young people are often dramatised in the media, with focus given to risk behaviours among the few. The fact is the health behaviours of young people in Australia continue to get better as our determinants of health (environmental, socioeconomic, sociocultural, individual) also improve for them. You will have to consider the current health status of young people as presented by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as well as growing your understanding of the protective and risk behaviours that exist around health.These protective and risk behaviours should be linked with specific health issues relevant for young people.
The Positive Status of Young People The positive health status of young people in Australia is a great feature of our country. Young people make up 14% of our population with 93% rating their own health as good or better. LIFE EXPECTANCY Life expectancy has improved over the last 20 years. It has increased by 5.6 yrs for males and 4 yrs for females DEATH RATES Death rates for young people aged 12-24 yrs have decreased by 50% due to a large decrease in deaths related to injury, including poisoning. Suicide and transport accidents also decreased along with drug dependence disorder.
The Positive Status of Young People - Cont RATES OF DISEASE, DISABILITY AND INJURY Anxiety and depression are the leading cause of the burden of disease for young people. For males - after anxiety and depression, was road traffic accidents, schizophrenia and suicide and self inflicted injuries. For females - asthma was the second highest followed by migraine and diseases affecting genital and urinary organs For young people with a disability, participating in society can be difficult as education and leisure activity opportunities may be limited. The prevalence of asthma has declined amongst young people and whilst cancer is relatively uncommon, it is the sixth leading cause of disease burden. We currently have rising rates of diabetes and STIs, particularly chlamydia. Many young people are overweight or obese, and are not meeting physical activity or fruit and vegetable intake guidelines.
The Positive Status of Young People - Cont Furthermore, though the trend is declining young Australians continue to take risks, particularly young males. Rates of self-harm, suicides and injuries are still high. Young people also have high rates of psychological distress and suffer from a range of mental health issues Even in the positive health status of young people Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are at a disadvantage. They are twice as likely to die from all causes, including 6 times as high for assault. They are more than 6 times as likely to have an STI, be a teenage mother or be in child protection.
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours PREVALENCE AND TRENDS Prevalence is the total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time, while a trend is whether the number of new cases (incidence) is going up or down Currently in Australia protective behaviours and risk behaviours of young people cover a wide variety of behaviours Smoking rates continue to decline as does illicit drug use and alcohol consumption. 44% of young people met the physical activity guidelines - rates are lower in regional and remote areas and in Indigenous young people. 5% met the daily recommended serves of both fruit and vegetables. Currently skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer among young people - most protective behaviour is the use of sunscreen (37%) but other protective behaviours need improvement STI Chlamydia is rising - only 2 thirds of sexually active young people use a condom 35% are overweight or obese and its rising
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours SOCIETAL PERCEPTIONS Society has many mis-perceptions about young people and their protective and risk behaviours. The media misconstrues this and presents many negative stories such as: Getting drunk every weekend Taking illicit drugs Drag race and speeding Bullying and abuse Sexting and pornography Research conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australia’s Institute of Health and Welfare shows alcohol consumption and illicit drug taking is on the decline While other stories may have some truth to them, it leads to an overemphasis on the negative side of our young Australians
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours RELEVANT HEALTH ISSUES These include: Food habits Body image Physical activity Drug use Mental health Sexual health Road safety You are required to identify protective and risk behaviours for these issues and how the combination of these behaviours increases or decreases the risk
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours EXAMPLE Risk Behaviours for sexual health include: Becoming sexually active Watching pornography Not using a condom Combining drugs or alcohol with sexual activity Sexting or using media (photos, videos etc) Anal sex Protective Behaviours include: Abstinence Sexual education Having respectful relationships with the opposite sex Barrier method contraceptives
Positive Behaviours and Risk Behaviours When risks are combined - it decreases a person's overall health (social, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health). Eg - a young female who is drunk, does not use a condom when having sex - increases the risk of STI’s or being recorded with or without consent. Young Australians and their Health and Wellbeing 2011 Link