Computer Electronic device Accepts data - input Processes it according to a given set of instructions Produces results - output input output Computer
Input, Output, Computer Program Input – unprocessed data manipulated by the computer Output – processed information or results produced by the computer The set of instructions that the computer follows is called a computer program
Computer System hardware the physical equipment used to process a data software computer programs
Hardware CPU 010 111 ..... Main Memory Secondary I/O Devices
Hardware Main Memory Input Devices Output Devices CPU
Input/Output Devices Input devices keyboard, mouse enter data and programs into the computer Output devices printer, monitor display the results processed by the computer
Memory Bit - Binary Digit Byte = 8 bits Main Memory Nonpermanent Rapid Access Low Capacity Secondary Storage Permanent Non Rapid High Capacity Bit - Binary Digit Byte = 8 bits KB = KiloBytes = 1024 bytes =2 MB = MegaBytes = 1,048,576 bytes = 2 GB = GigaBytes = 2bytes
CPU – Central Processing Unit Control Unit Directs the processing operations Coordinates the flow of data to Main Memory and ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs Arithmetic operations Logic operations
Software Operating Systems Application Software DOS UNIX Windows Word Power Point Emacs
Compilation Process High Level Language Compiler Machine Language