What’s next ? Life after Year 11 Explain the aims of the session.
clueless scared excited confused HAPPY nervous worried ready Explain the aims of the session. ready
How do you make decisions? Stick your head in the sand Follow the crowd? Gain as much information as possible and make an informed decision?
Do you want to continue learning in a classroom setting ? OR learning but in a work setting ?
What are the options ? YOU
School 6th form - A levels Some degree subjects ask for specific A levels. Check entry requirements before choosing your A levels. Subjects at A level are a lot harder than at GCSE Certain A levels can keep your options open for the future Entry Requirements: 5 A- C grades @ GCSE Some A Levels need B grades at GCSE. Choose subjects you enjoy as well as being good at. Try this useful tool: www.which.co.uk/alevelexplorer
How will you get to college ? Local Colleges Coleg Gwent - Newport , Cross Keys, Usk & Ebbw Vale South Glos & Stroud College - Filton & Wise Campus Cardiff & Vale College City of Bristol College Use http://www.traveline.info/ to plot your journey. Put in starting post code and destination post code. How will you get to college ?
Childcare / Health & Social Care Engineering Accounting/Business Childcare / Health & Social Care Engineering Fabrication/Welding/Motor Vehicle Plumbing/Brick/Carpentry/Plastering Travel & Tourism Sport, Public Service – Police/Army/Fire Land Based – Farming,Animal Care,Equine Art Design & Media Catering,Hospitality & Retail Computing & IT Hair & Beauty pps.
Coleg Gwent – Tue 7th Feb 2018 from 5-8pm SGS – Wed 21st March 2018 from 5-8pm Cardiff & Vale College – Tue 7th Feb 2018 from 4-7pm City of Bristol College – Mon 6th Feb from 5 – 7.30pm (AEC Parkway campus specialist for engineering) Do check websites closer to the time dates can change. Chance to understand more about college life All colleges will take applications on the visit.
DON’T LEAVE APPLICATIONS UNTIL THE SUMMER Applications for Sep18 under way. Interviews have started. Visit open days DON’T LEAVE APPLICATIONS UNTIL THE SUMMER Activity 1 – 5 minutes When pupils have chosen their app, split into groups with a mixture of pupils who have chosen different apps.
Apprenticeships Currently 1 in 15 young people in apprenticeships. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhSwqv557ak Currently 1 in 15 young people in apprenticeships. By 2020 ,1 in 5 young people in apprenticeships. Explain what an apprenticeship is and click on the link if you have access. (5 minutes including video of 3mins 28 seconds)
Accountancy, Animal Care, Construction, Business Admin, Catering, Customer Service, Retail, Warehousing, Engineering, Floristry, Hairdressing, Horticulture, Hospitality, ICT, Motor Vehicle, Plumbing etc (250 pathways) Explain how these people can help them decide. 1 minute For example they may have friends or family who work in a career they would like or who have studied a subject they are considering.
Gain a recognised qualification Learn in a practical way. Reality Check ! Need to be focussed Competitive Maturity Gain a recognised qualification Learn in a practical way. Possible to go on to Higher Education Training via day/block release Get paid to learn. Explain how these people can help them decide. 1 minute For example they may have friends or family who work in a career they would like or who have studied a subject they are considering.
National Apprenticeship Week 5 – 9th March 2018 www.careerswales.com January onwards National Apprenticeship Week 5 – 9th March 2018 www.careerswales.com www.apprenticeships.org.uk Explain how these people can help them decide. 1 minute For example they may have friends or family who work in a career they would like or who have studied a subject they are considering.
Work Based Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzsnOdhPACI Explain briefly what a traineeship is and click on the youtube link (if you have access) 7 minutes (including video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzsnOdhPACI
Job Growth Wales https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdRhC72zYPU Explain briefly what jobs growth wales is and click on the link if you have access. (3 minutes including video of 0.56 seconds)
Year 11 Timeline Attend Sixth Form Open Evenings to find out what’s on offer Colleges usually begin accepting applications in October/November Confirm your options GCSE exams begin 2017 2018 September October November December January February March April May June July August Move the pointers to suit your school. Explain that the year will go quickly and that it is important to start thinking about their post 16 options as soon as possible. 1 minute If you’re interested in apprenticeships speak to your Careers Adviser from December onwards to find out more Start to think about your Career Plans. Use the careers quiz and career search on careerswales.com Attend Open Evenings at colleges from October onwards to see what they have to offer. GCSE results are out
Accessing Careers Guidance, Advice & Information. Explain how these people can help them decide. 1 minute For example they may have friends or family who work in a career they would like or who have studied a subject they are considering.
Decisions you make now will have an impact on your future plans. Attend the 6th form open evening at Caldicot School Use the remaining months wisely. Attend the next open days at college Check www.careerswales.com for apprenticeships Attend your careers meeting Parallel Planning , have a Plan A and a Plan B Apply for college courses asap, either as Plan A or Plan B. Reality check : Decisions you make now will have an impact on your future plans.
How do you want to spend your summer holidays
In a Panic with no plans