Georgia O’Keeffe November 15, 1887 – March 6, 1986
Interesting facts about Georgia O’Keeffe Georgia was born and grew up on a farm near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin along with six brothers and sisters. She took private art lessons from local artists and even at 12 years old, she knew she wanted to become an artist. It was difficult for a woman in the early 1900s to become an artist. She was often looked down upon and not taken seriously. At one point she became so discouraged that she didn’t paint for four years. Her most famous paintings are of enlarged flowers. She said, “I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty.” While living in New York, O’Keeffe took many trips to Ghost Ranch in New Mexico and fell in love with the landscape which she often painted. After her husband died, she moved to Ghost Ranch permanently. In her later years, her eyesight began to fail and she continued to paint with assistance.
Oriental Poppies, 1928 Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1, 1932 Sold at auction in 2014 for $44.4 million making Georgia O’Keeffe the highest-selling woman in art Summer Days, 1936
From the Lake, 1924 Vocabulary: Unity Design Abstract of stormy Lake George Vocabulary: Unity Design