Ms Iffat Ansari ICTech Teacher The City School ACTION PLAN Ms Iffat Ansari ICTech Teacher The City School
SHORT-TERM GOALS To have progression in my curriculum To enable students to possess all essential IT skills which will help them to do better in their academics as well as other activities. To make my students critical thinkers by changing my questioning strategies To promote collaboration by giving project work To emphasize more on student centered approach
I want to be a 21st century educator LONG-TERM GOALS I want to be a 21st century educator The Visionary The Leader 21st Century Educator The Risk Taker The Model The Collaborator The Learner The Communicator The Adaptor The Characteristics
"The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered."
Revolutionary Thinker Proficient Communicator Profound Collaborator ATTAINMENT TARGETS Revolutionary Thinker Innovative Creator Keen Researcher Efficient Analyzer My Student Dedicated Director Engaging students in higher-order thinking and promoting collaboration are two key behaviors found in student centered, 21st century classrooms. The objective is to understand how to cultivate higher-order thinking in students, develop skills for promoting and facilitating collaboration. Proficient Communicator Profound Collaborator
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Traditional) In 1956, Benjamin Bloom wrote Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, and his six-level description of thinking has been widely adapted and used in countless contexts ever since. His list of cognitive processes is organized from the simplest, the recall of knowledge, to the most complex, making judgments about the value and worth of ideas. Bloom’s Butterfly
21ST CENTURY APPROACHES Modes Listening and Speaking Classroom Discussions Encouraging Approach Quiz Project work Spreadsheet Internet Search Creating real time databases Flow Charts Competition Multimedia Presentation Movie Making Giving Direction Approach Observing & Monitoring Approach Questioning Approach Intervening Approach Skills Needed By Students: Accountability and Adaptability Communication Skills Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking Information and Media Literacy Skills Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills Problem Identification, Formulation, and Solution
Outline (Scope and Sequence) Term I Outline (Scope and Sequence) ICTech Wizard – Level 8 S No. Duration in Weeks Chapter Title Assessment 1 4 Using Flow Charts Yes 2 Multimedia Presentations 3 Movie Making and Video Editing 4,5 Introduction To Software System Development Life Cycle No
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Module 1 (Lesson Plan) Resources Topics: Using Flow Charts Related Activity: Lecture, Exercise, Activity Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Yes (Sample Assessment Sheet), Certificate Resources MS Visio Teachers Guide Printer 21st Century Approaches Listening and Speaking Observing and Monitoring Encouraging Skill Direction Skill 21st Century Skills Analyzing Critical Thinking Problem Identification and Solution Techniques Classroom discussion/ Quiz Create flow charts for house painting process & order process through credit card Challenges Unscheduled holidays No clubbed classes in some sections Solutions Take extra classes Be well prepared and well organized
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Module 2 (Lesson Plan) Resources Topics: Multimedia Presentations Related Activity: Lecture, Exercise, Activity Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Yes (Sample Assessment Sheet), Certificate Resources MS PowerPoint Teachers Guide Printer 21st Century Approaches Listening and Speaking Encouraging Skills Observing and Monitoring Skill Direction Skills 21st Century Skills Creativity Communication Skills Information and Media Literacy Skills Techniques Classroom discussion/ Quiz Create presentations on Balanced Diet and Properties of Light Challenges Unscheduled holidays No clubbed classes in some sections Solutions Take extra classes Be well prepared and well organized
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Module 3 (Lesson Plan) Resources Topics: Movie Making and Video Editing Related Activity: Demonstration, Exercise, Activity Duration: 4 Weeks Assessment: Yes (Sample Assessment Sheet), Certificate Resources Windows Movie Maker Teachers Guide Printer Internet 21st Century Approaches Listening and Speaking Encouraging and Intervening Skills Observing and Monitoring Skill Direction Skills 21st Century Skills Information and Media Literacy Skills Creativity Self Direction Techniques Classroom discussion/ Quiz Create movie on Italy/Waterfalls and Documentary on Pakistan Challenges Unscheduled holidays No clubbed classes in some sections Solutions Take extra classes Be well prepared and well organized
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Module 4 (Lesson Plan) Resources Topics: 1) Introduction To Software 2) System Development Life Cycle Related Activity: Lecture Duration: 2 Weeks Assessment: No Resources Internet Teachers Guide 21st Century Approaches Listening and Speaking Questioning Skills Encouraging and Intervening Skills 21st Century Skills Critical Thinking and System Thinking Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills Techniques Classroom discussion/ Quiz Role Play Challenges Unscheduled holidays No clubbed classes in some sections Solutions Take extra classes Be well prepared and well organized
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT resources/databases/ict-in-education- database/item/article/standards-for-the-21st-century-learner-by- aasl/ on.htm IC Tech Curriculum Guides Intel Help Guide
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