Advertising and Social Responsibility Chapter 2 Advertising and Society: Ethics, Regulation, and Social Responsibility Advertising and Social Responsibility Ethical issues Advocacy Accuracy Acquisitiveness
Advertising and Social Responsibility Five questions for ethical advertising: The target of an ad? What should be advertised? The symbolic tone of an ad? The relation between advertising and mass media? Advertising’s conscious obligation to society?
Social Responsibility Public service announcements (PSAs) Ad Council Social marketing
Six Key Issues in Advertising Puffery Taste and advertising Product categories and taste Current issues
Six Key Issues in Advertising Stereotyping in advertising Women in advertisements Racial and ethnic stereotypes Senior citizens Advertising to children
Six Key Issues in Advertising Advertising controversial products Tobacco Alcohol Gambling Prescription drugs Subliminal advertising
Federal Case Law Affecting Advertising First Amendment case law Commercial Speech Privacy case law developments
Advertising and the FTC Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Some FTC responsibilities: Investigate companies that engage in unfair or deceptive practices Regulate acts and practices that deceive businesses or consumers Issue cease-and-desist orders against such practices Fine people or groups that violate rules Encourage consumer groups to participate in rule-making
Advertising and the FTC Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Areas of FTC regulation Deception Reasonable basis for claims Comparative advertising Endorsements Demonstrations
Advertising and the FTC FTC deceptive and unfair advertising remedies Consent decrees Cease-and-desist orders Corrective advertising Substantiating advertising claims Consumer redress Hold the ad agency legally responsible
Advertising and Other Regulatory Agencies Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Additional Federal Regulatory Agencies U.S. Postal Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; U.S. Patent Office; Library of Congress
Social Responsibility and Self-Regulation Self-discipline Self-regulation: pure and co-opted National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau (NAD) National Advertising Review Board (NARB) Local regulation Media regulation and advertising