Please get your folder and highlighters on your way in Please get your folder and highlighters on your way in! Look at the warm-up. Who are the people below/what country are they associated with?
Please pick up your folders and highlighters Please pick up your folders and highlighters. Put your phones up for the warm-up. Match the following areas with the policies/issues they face today: India and Pakistan Israel and Palestine South Africa Abolished apartheid, or racial segregation, in the 1990s and elected Mandela as president State was created after the Holocaust because people felt guilty about the Jews, but it took land away from Arab Muslims, creating lots of tension and violence in the Middle East State got its independence from Britain in the 1940s but was partitioned into a Hindu and Muslim state. Tensions still flare over religious differences, nuclear weapons, and territory like Kashmir
Guided reading-complete on your own! Complete the guided reading using the textbook. When you’re done, make sure you complete the summary at the bottom. (I’m looking for detailed, thoughtful summaries.) Then, highlight the following important terms: India Unstable government PLO Pakistan Poverty Intifada Hindu Zionist Apartheid Muslim State of Israel Nelson Mandela Gandhi Palestinians Nonalignment Suez Canal Kashmir Nasser Mother Theresa Golda Meir We are moving on at 2:15!
Think about it….how do these political cartoons relate to what you read?
India & Pakistan
Israel & Palestine
South Africa
Create your own! Choose one of the following regions: Israel, India, South Africa Create a political cartoon showing the conflict that happened/is happening in these areas today. Think about things like: Different religious ideas Racial discrimination Presence of nuclear weapons Poverty Your cartoon should have: At least two characters that are hand-drawn (can be traced) A caption/dialogue A title at the top