November 30, 2016 Agenda • India Quick Facts • Korea/Vietnam Venn • India video Warm-up What is the “Domino Theory”? Homework: review today’s material
The Domino Theory is the idea that if one country falls to communism, the rest of Asia would, too.
Quick Facts
Citizen Participation Major Religions Major Rivers Ganges Indus Hinduism Islam Sikhism Government Citizen Participation Power Distribution Parliamentary Democracy Federal
India has a mixed economy that leans slightly toward the market side. Colonization India has a mixed economy that leans slightly toward the market side. Colonized by: Great Britain Became Independent: 1947 Famous Leader Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi Gandhi was famous for leading the movement to free India from British rule. He taught people to use non-violent resistance. He inspired Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
Korean and Vietnam Conflict Venn •You may pair up to work on this activity –Behavior issues will make you work individually •Use the sheet of paper for your statements –Place them on your Venn in the correct location