Getting to Know YourSELF Advisory Lessons- Week 2 Westport Middle School 2017-2018
Day 1: Icebreaker Whip Share A whip share is when we go around the room and quickly share one short thing about ourselves. In your mind, decide how you will complete the following sentence and be ready to share when it is your turn. - “If I could change one thing about the world it would be…”
Day 1: Learning Target and Agenda LT: I can demonstrate self-control and explain why it is important. Agenda Marshmallow Challenge Discussion- What is self-control and why do we need it? Videos Reflection
Marshmallow CHALLENGE Here is a marshmallow. Eat it when you want. If you have your marshmallow (the whole thing) at the end of class, you get a second marshmallow!
What is self control? The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and wants, especially in difficult situations. More than the ability, though, is putting it into practice. It doesn’t help that you know how to act appropriately if you still choose not to do so.
Read and reflect…
Why do we need it? Self control can help in many ways! It keeps you out of trouble. It keeps you on track to achieve your goals. Your participation grade is largely based on self-control. Can you control your talking, volume, phone use, and time?
New Zealand Study In a study conducted in New Zealand that shadowed 1,000 children over the course of 30 years, it was determined that those who had high levels of self-control went on to land high income jobs and had significantly lower levels of addiction. Only 10% of the children with developed discipline were in low income jobs as opposed to over 30% of those with poor discipline being in low income jobs.
Videos Epic Self-Control 5 Self-Control Techniques
Marshmallows Who still has theirs? In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.
Day 1: Reflection On a half-sheet of paper, answer the following questions. How can self control make your life easier? On a scale of 1-10, how often do you use self- control? Think about things like your infractions, referrals, days in ISAP, and your participation grades before you answer!
Day 2: Icebreaker Me Too You will take turns saying something about yourselves. For example, I have two sisters. I don’t have any pets. I was born in Kentucky. When someone else shares and you agree, stand up and say, “Me too!”
Day 2: Learning Target Learning Target: I can develop self- knowledge through a character traits inventory.
Day 2: Agenda Introduce self-knowledge Discuss character traits Inventory Exit Slip
Self-Knowledge If you see an ear of corn for the first time, how might you describe it? You wouldn’t discover the delicious corn inside unless you peel away the husk. By “peeling away” your outer layers, you can discover your talents, abilities, and interests.
Character Traits
What are your character traits? Turn and Talk: Describe your personality in one to three traits. Do you have most of the character traits you need? Do you think you have character traits you should develop?
Character Traits Inventory Read each pair of sentences. Check the ONE from each pair that describes you. Or check BOTH if you believe that you already have a particular trait or quality but would like to develop it further. On the back of the inventory, make a T-Chart. On one side, write down five character traits that you have. On the other side, write down five character traits that you would like to develop.
Day 2: Exit Slip What is self-knowledge? What is a character trait? Why do you think it is important to know your own character traits?
Day 3: Icebreaker One-Two Make a circle. Each student will say 1 or 2 numbers while counting to 10. Whoever lands on 10 is out. When someone is out, the next person starts over at 1.
Day 3: Learning Target Learning Target: I can develop self- awareness through an interests inventory.
Day 3: Agenda Introduce and Discuss Interests Interests Inventory Analyze Results of Inventory Exit Slip
What are interests? Interests are activities that you are curious about, drawn to, or excited about. Some examples are Music Art Writing Sports Animals
Turn and Talk What is one of your interests? How much time do you spend on this interest each week? Is there a way to turn this interest into a career? Share what your partner said.
Interest Inventory For each “Would you rather…” list, put a 1 by the thing you like to do the most. Put a 2 by your second choice. Put a 3 by your third choice. Put a 4 by your fourth choice. At the bottom, write the letters of all your number 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s.
Analyze Your Results In all four lists, the same letter represents the same category. Use the Analyze Your Results worksheet to analyze your interests inventory.
Exit Slip What is an interest? What are your main interests? What careers are related to your interests?
Day 4: Icebreaker Categories Students make a circle. Teacher picks a category. Students go around the circle saying items that belong in the category. If you can’t think of an item or if you repeat, you’re out.
Day 4: Learning Target Learning Target: I can evaluate my relationships with other people.
Day 4: Agenda PowerPoint- Discuss relationships Group Activity- Importance of Relationships Relationships Inventory and Analysis Exit Slip
Why are relationships important? Healthy relationships are gratifying. They provide opportunities for many positive experiences.
How do we develop healthy relationships? We can develop healthy relationships with anyone, including family and friends. It takes time, energy, and care to develop positive, healthy relationships. We can also learn from our relationships.
Turn and Talk: With whom do you have a good relationship? A parent, family member, or friend? Why do you think it’s a good relationship?
Qualities of a Good Relationship Honesty- Telling the truth in a nice way, not keeping important things from each other Loyalty- Standing up for each other, having each others’ backs Compassion- Being there for each other, listening to and understanding each other Communication- Speaking to each other kindly, appropriately, productively
Importance of Relationships With your group, complete the “Importance of Relationships” worksheet.
Relationships Inventory For each statement in this inventory, check the box that comes closest to describing how you feel about relationships. Score the inventory at the bottom of the page. Analysis: Below 30 You probably have good relationships with other people. 31 – 40 You might want to work on developing better relationships with some of the people in your life. 41 – 60 You could meet with a favorite teacher, a school counselor or social worker, or another adult that you trust and ask for help in developing better relationships.
Exit Slip Complete the Relationship Tree on your own.
Day 5: Icebreaker Whip Share “If I could only have one social media app, it would be…”
Day 5: Learning Target Learning Target: I can determine my learning style.
Day 5: Agenda Discuss learning styles Learning Styles Inventory Group Activity- Learning Styles Poster Exit Slip- Applying Your Learning Style
What are learning styles? Everyone learns differently. A learning style is the way in which the student best absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information.
Turn and Talk: Do you learn better working in teams or working alone? Do you learn better listening or doing hands-on activities?
Learning Styles
Learning Styles Visual Learners tend to be… Imaginative Social Concerned about WHY things happen
Learning Styles Auditory Learners tend to be… Analytical Task-Oriented Concerned about WHAT makes things work
Learning Styles Tactile Learners tend to be… “Common Sense” People Problem-Solvers Concerned about HOW things work
Learning Styles Kinesthetic Learners tend to be… Dynamic “Hands-On” Concerned about WHAT IF situations
Learning Styles Inventory Read the descriptions of each learning style and check the one that sounds MOST like you.
If you checked 1- VISUAL- you learn best by brainstorming, speaking, working in teams, gathering information, and listening. If you checked 2- AUDITORY- you learn best by analyzing, classifying, theorizing, organizing, observing, testing theories, and listening. If you checked 3- KINESTHETIC- you learn best by manipulating, experimenting, doing hands-on activities, tinkering, setting goals, and making lists. If you checked 4- TACTILE- you learn best by leading, collaborating, influencing, adapting, taking risks, and modifying.
Side note… Although tactile and kinesthetic learners might be similar, kinesthetic learners learn better through whole- body movement, while tactile learners learn through touch. For example, tactile learners might benefit from note-taking during a lecture.
Learning Styles Poster With your group, make a poster about the four learning styles. For each learning style, include The NAME of the learning style, The type of QUESTIONS that learning styles ask, THREE adjectives to describe that learning style, and A SYMBOL to represent that learning style.
Exit Slip IMAGINE: You have a big test in your science class coming up in about a week. Using what you have learned about your learning style, how do you plan on studying? Why? Answer in three to five complete sentences.