Plant diversity Heba Al-Tamimi
Review Domain Archea Eubacteria Eukarya Protista Fungi Plants Animals
Plant kingdom Non-Vascular Ph.Hepatophyta Marchantia Vascular Seedless plants Ph. polypodiophyta fern seed plants Gymnosperms Ph . Pinophyta Pinus Angiosperms Ph.Magnoliophyta Monocots Zea maize Dicots Capsella
s Archegoniophore Antheridiophore
Phylum Hepatophyta Marchantia
Plants Non-Vascular Ph.Hepatophyta Marchantia Vascular Seedless plants Ph. polypodiophyta fern seed plants Gymnosperms Ph . Pinophyta Pinus Angiosperms Ph .Magnoliophyta Monocot Zea maize Dicot Capsella
Phylum Hepatophyta (liverworts) E.x : Marchantia No true roots, No vascular tissues (no transport) Simple stems & leaves Have rhizoids (root like)
Asexual Reproduction Gametophyte has tiny cup shaped structures called gemmae cups
Sexual Reproduction Antheridiophore Archegoniophore
In this lab Archegoniophore Antheridiophore Sporophyta Gemmae cups
Plants Non-Vascular Ph.Hepatophyta Marchantia Vascular Seedless plants Ph. polypodiophyta fern seed plants Gymnosperms Ph . Pinophyta Pinus Angiosperms Magnoliophyta Monocot Zea maize Dicot Capsella
A leaf (finely divided into small parts) Phylum Polypodiophyta (ferns) A leaf (finely divided into small parts) root
Phylum Polypodiophyta (ferns) ferns have vascular tissues Ferns are very leafy; leaves arise from an underground stem (rhizome) Each leaf consists of a stalk and a blade that is subdivided into pinnae (leaflets) Sori :clusters of sporangia
Fern Sorus and sporangium
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Gymnosperms Pine tree
Plant Non-Vascular Ph.Hepatophyta Marchantia Vascular Seedless plants Ph. polypodiophyta fern seed plants Gymnosperms Ph . Pinophyta Pinus Angiosperms Magnoliophyta Monocot Zea maize Dicot Capsella
Phylum Pinophyta (Pinus) Naked seeds in female cones Heterospory (2 types of spores ) needle-shaped leaves vascular tissue
Female cones Male cones Megaspororangium Microspororangium Pollen grain megasporophyll microsporophyll ovule
Pinus seed Embryonic leaf Seed food Embryonic stem Embryonic root Seed coat Embryonic leaf
In this lab
Plant Non-Vascular Ph.Hepatophyta Marchantia Vascular Seedless plants Ph. polypodiophyta fern seed plants Gymnosperms Ph . Pinophyta Pinus Angiosperms Ph. Magnoliophyta Monocot Zea maize Dicot Capsella
angiosperms Known as flowering plants Produce reproductive structures called flowers and fruits Produce seeds that are enclosed in ovaries (fruit) Includes phylum Magnoliophyta
Characteristics of Monocots . one cotyledon leaves have parallel veins . e.g. zea maize
Characteristics of Dicot . Seeds with two cotyledons . leaves have veins in network . e.g. Capsella
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