Neighborhood Assessment Cloquet, MN Michael Krick
Where we are
CLOQUET, MN Cloquet Boundary West Carlton Neighborhood
History It was incorporated in 1884 from three villages around three sawmills Cloquet was first settled by the Fond-du-Lac Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Shaw Town Nelson Town Johnson Town This area was later referred to as Knife Falls. Two French brothers first are thought to have named the Cloquet River after themselves, later changed to the St. Louis Cloquet was adopted after incorporation
West Carlton Neighborhood Street Boundaries Laurel Street Carlton Avenue West Birch Street Big Lake Road
Streets/sidewalks Streets are 33’ wide Sidewalks are 4’ wide Around street boundaries have curbs and sidewalks, except Big Lake Rd. All others do not Carlton Avenue West is the only street with sidewalks on both sides
Tree canopy A well developed canopy promotes walkability Where a sidewalk is found, a canopy is often present Two wind storms this summer had brought down some trees in my neighborhood Both of these sections of the neighborhood are highly trafficked by walkers and runners
Homes Most homes rage between $120,000 - $180,000 Few homes +$180,000 Very few <$40,000 - $50,000 Most home were built in the 1970’s and1980’s Homes above $180,000 are blocked by trees (no access without going onto property)
Garages Many homes have detached garages Or connected via breezeway
Yards Home are typically set back from the road Many have medium sized front yards and smaller fenced in back yards or back yards bound by a tree line Cloquet (Wood City) was a former white pine plantation
Public Spaces Cloquet Country Club Little Peoples Park ATV/Hiking/Mountain Biking Trail
People Diverse people Income Age Family size Could use more racial diversity Many white Few Native residents Streets are heavily used for Walking Biking Running ATV’s
Bussinesses Two businesses lie outside of our neighborhood boundary Carmen's – Bar and Restaurant Fond-du-Lac – Gas and Grocery
Fond-du-lac A Native American Reservation which lies to the west of the neighborhood does not allow for expansion of development
CEmetery A cemetery lies between the reservation and the Carlton Avenue West neighborhood