IPDE: Decide and Execute NV Driver Education Curriculum Unit 4: Vision and Space Management Presentation 4 of 4 TOPICS: Change of Speed, Direction, Lane Position Minimizing a Hazard & Separating Multiple Risks Communication
Before we begin... Let’s Talk About It Share your thoughts with a partner. Take 60 seconds to discuss: What are some common risk factors that contribute to a possible collision? Intersection image from: http://www.christophersimon.com/lawyer-attorney-1323682.html Read-end image from: http://www.injurylawyerdallastexas.com/aaccident.html T-bone image from: http://blogs.journalism.cuny.edu/interactivefundamentals/2008/09/22/sunday-morning-car-collision/ Retrieved: 08/23/10
Risk Management Video Click on web address to access video clips California DMV Sharing the Road Video Risk Management http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/video/lets_drive/sharing/risk_management/risk.htm#topVideo (4:59) Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability “Sharing the Road” image from: http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/video/lets_drive/sharing/intro/intro.htm#topVideo
I.P.D.E. Process The IPDE Process is an organized system of: Seeing Review I.P.D.E. Process The IPDE Process is an organized system of: Seeing Thinking Responding The 4 steps of IPDE Identify Predict Female driver image from: http://www.life123.com/career-money/insurance/auto-insurance/car-insurance-teenagers.shtml Male driver image from: http://woldcnews.com/DCnews/nigel/text-messaging-law-is-in-effect-but-hard-to-enforce/ Chart image from: Driver Right textbook 11th Edition Retrieved: 08/22/10 Decide Execute
Decide to use one or more actions to I.P.D.E. - Decide Drivers continually identify and predict until they have enough information to make a decision. change or maintain speed change direction communicate Decide Decide to use one or more actions to Image from: http://www.rd.com/your-america-inspiring-people-and-stories/8-tips-to-survive-your-drive/article175943.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
Adequate Space Margin Open zones allow for escape paths. Minimize your risk by having a safe space margin, or space cushion, between you and other vehicles. Freeway image from: http://www.fun4ufast2.com/freetestdrive.php Retrieved: 08/23/10
Decide to Change Speed Any decision you make is influenced by your speed as well as the speed of other vehicles. You can decide to: Decelerate Brake Accelerate Image from: http://www.braketeam.pro/ Retrieved: 08/23/10
Decide to Change Direction To change your position on the roadway, steer right or left. A greater change of direction might be to change lanes. Always check mirrors. Mirror image from: http://www.wheels24.co.za/NewModels/First-drive-New-BMW-7-Series-20090306 Van image from: http://treadly.net/2006/07/28/lane-changers-dont-win/ Car image from: http://www.benzinsider.com/page/7 Retrieved: 08/23/10
Decide to Change Lane Position Three different lane positions are available: Center of lane Left of center Right of center Diagram image from: Drive Right Textbook Raod image from: http://www.labreform.org/education/photos/index.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
Decide to Communicate The decision to communicate with others helps reduce possible conflict. Communicate by: Lights Horn Vehicle position Eye contact Body movement Convertible mage from: http://rockmitchell.blogspot.com/ Yelling image from: http://www.askmen.com/cars/car_tips_60/64_car_tip.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
Minimize a Hazard Minimize a hazard, or reduce the possibility of conflict, by deciding to put distance between you and the risk. Decide to use one or more actions: Create a space cushion Adjust vehicle speed Adjust lane position Change direction Communicate Image from: http://open.salon.com/blog/sandra_no_longer_miller/2008/12/02/not_really_all_that_bad Retrieved: 08/23/10 OLD Image from: http://www.highriskinsurances.com/car-policy.html
Separate Hazards Two or more hazards may threaten your travel path at the same time. What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Parked cars Open car door Pedestrians Kids on bike Curve in road Image from: http://jerusalempedia.com/Bayit-Vegan.html Retrieved: 09/09/10
Compromise and give more room to the greater risk. Compromise the Space Compromise and give more room to the greater risk. What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Narrow street Blind curve Oncoming car Potholes Cyclist Parked vehicles Image from: http://www.unnaturalcauses.org/press_area.php Retrieved: 08/24/10
What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Image from: http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2006/11/27/thunder-rolls/ Retrieved: 09/09/10
What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Image from: http://www.aaroads.com/west/i-215ila_nv.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Image from: http://media.photobucket.com/image/semi-truck%20%25252B%20driving/GENERALGOOSEPAC/14.jpg Retrieved: 08/23/10
What options are available to help minimize the risk in this situation? Image from: http://holidayinrwanda.com/gallery/slides/sunset%20driving.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
Execute your decision to I.P.D.E. - Execute Once you make a decision, it’s time to execute, or carry out the action(s) determined to be most safe. In most cases, you will execute routine actions and maneuvers, involving proper timing and placement of your vehicle to avoid hazards. control speed steer communicate combine actions Execute Execute your decision to
Change of speed can reduce risk. Speed Control Change of speed can reduce risk. Always check your rear zone before decelerating or braking. Speed can be maintained or reduced just by releasing the accelerator Use gentle pressure on the brake if less slowing is needed Use firm braking when greater deceleration is needed Speed image from: http://www.unisa.edu.au/news/2008/220408.asp Mirror image from: http://www.autosportcatalog.com/home-and-vehicle-security/panoramic-rear-view-mirror.cfm Tail lights image from: http://www.allaboutauto.us/2010/05/27/driving-a-2011-buick-regal-turbo.html Retrieved: 08/24/10
Road Conditions Need for braking will vary with the situation, speed of vehicle, roadway condition, and condition of your brakes. Image from: http://bouldercitynvrealestateblog.com/post/1472017/soggy-boulder-city Retrieved: 08/24/10
Steer Execute the proper amount of steering: Too much and you can lose control especially at higher speeds Too little and you may not reduce the risk Try to steer just enough to avoid conflict without making jerky or sudden movements. Image from: http://www.aaafoundation.org/multimedia/index.cfm?button=photolibresults Retrieved: 08/24/10
Using Lights to Communicate Communicate with other roadway users by: Using daytime headlight to increase your visibility Tapping brakes to flash brake lights to warn vehicles behind you Apply turn signals at least 3-5 seconds before a lane change or turn Turn on hazard flashers when disabled Image from: http://www.gmc.com/contextuallinks/popup.jsp?brand=envoy&superCat=safety&superItem=Keyless Retrieved: 08/24/10
Other Communication Lightly tap horn to warn others, in an emergency you may need a loud blast Position of your vehicle in the lane communicates your intension to others Use eye contact and body movements Horn image from: http://www.images.com/image/310331/a-man-pressing-a-car-horn/ Vehciles image from: http://www.aaafoundation.org/multimedia/index.cfm?button=photolibresults
ASK yourself: What actions would I take? Practice Your IPDE IPDE takes time and practice to: Identify clues and changing zones the actions of others what options you have the needed actions Predict Decide Execute As you ride with others practice the identifying, prediction, and deciding steps. ASK yourself: What actions would I take?
Cooperative Driving Video California DMV Sharing the Road Video Cooperative Driving http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/video/lets_drive/sharing/cooperative_driving/cooperative_driving.htm#topVideo (2:11) Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability “Sharing the Road” image from: http://apps.dmv.ca.gov/video/lets_drive/sharing/intro/intro.htm#topVideo
Did you Know Final Thoughts A truck weighing 80,000 pounds traveling at 55mph takes about 300 feet, or one football field, to brake to a stop. This does not include the distance covered during the time the driver identifies a need to stop and applies the brake. Truck image from: http://www.midcountycoop.com/auto-truck-tire/dot/ Crash image from: http://www.guzer.com/pictures/semi_car_rear.php Retrieved: 08/24/10
Test Your Knowledge A flashing yellow signal light at an intersection means: Come to a full stop Slow down and drive with increased caution Danger dead end highway Signal is out of order Answer: C
Test Your Knowledge You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ___ feet before the turn. 50 75 100 150 Answer: C
Test Your Knowledge This sign means: Right hand turn only Two-way left turn only Merging traffic from the left Two-way right turn only Answer: B