Tier 2 TA Self-Regulation For attendance enter your name, role, school, and district here: https://goo.gl/exW8xl See the chat box for this link. The Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material.
Today’s Define self-regulation How does self-regulation fit into our PBIS system. Highlight school shares For attendance enter your name, role, school, and district here: https://goo.gl/exW8xl
Self-Regulation Self-regulation is the ability to monitor and control our own behavior, emotions, or thoughts, altering them in accordance with the demands of the situation. Need ability to: inhibit first responses resist interference from irrelevant stimulation persist on relevant tasks even when we don't enjoy them. http://www.education.com/reference/article/self-regulation-development-skill/
What determines a person’s ability to self-regulate? CHAT
Self-Regulation Tier 1 80-90%Tier 1/Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive
How does your universal teaching of expectations teach self-regulation? Elementary – Social Skills MS/HS – Academic Skills Explain social skills at Elem. and Academic Skills at MS/HS Activity CHAT
What Regulatory Skills are Needed? Social Skills Academic
Add questions to Slide 12 What intervention will help students apply the skills learned?
Self-Regulation – Tier 2 5-15%Tier 2/Selected Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency, rapid response, small group Some individualizing You have a student that needs a little bit more support around self-regulation of social skills?
Tie into Your System What questions do you ask to determine the appropriate intervention for student need? How do you begin to develop interventions that meet the function of student behavior? How do your progress monitor? Question #1: Is not a brief FBA - are you asking questions that will help you determine the function/motivation of the behavior?
What makes a SAIG group evidence based? What intervention will teach self-regulation? Match the Intervention to Function What intervention will help students apply the skills learned? Example What makes a SAIG group evidence based? How can you use this chart with your tier 2 interventions? From the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
SAIG: Systematic Re-teaching of Skills Written, consistent Cool Tools Written, consistent language Universal Teaching Curriculum for Social-Emotional Learning Plan for re- and Pre- teaching Application in all environments Teaching Plan Application in all environments
BACK TO BASICS: Relationships Consistent behavioral responses Predictable, safe environment Feedback
So, what skills do your students need? And how do you know?? YOUR DATA.
What resources do you already have? Think: Personnel, use of time, materials, etc… How can you systematically and efficiently teach these skills given your system’s current capacity?
https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/1173020949342973185 Next Session March 17 8:30-9:30 AM Brief FBA/BIP High School Tier 2 March 18 8:30-9:30 https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/1173020949342973185