DPS’ top Denver Plan 2020 goal is to ensure Great Schools in Every Neighborhood.
We check progress to see how well each school is helping all students succeed. Regular progress monitoring helps DPS know how well schools are performing and what support they need to help them reach their potential. DPS uses assessment tools like the School Performance Framework and School Quality Reviews.
The School Performance Framework is a report card that shows how well each school is doing. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO OPEN A LINK TO THE VIDEO The SPF evaluates how well each school: Supports student growth and achievement Serves all students and families
Mockup artwork only – not final Our 2017 School Performance Framework rating: Accredited on Watch Mockup artwork only – not final School leaders would customize this slide based on their rating by moving the arrow and typing in the corresponding rating language (Exceeds Expectations, etc.)
SAMPLE IMAGE ONLY – NOT FINAL DESIGN The School Performance Framework looks at several aspects of what we know makes a great school. SAMPLE IMAGE ONLY – NOT FINAL DESIGN Comms will work to make these match the parent reports but still make them customizable
Academic Gaps are an important area of focus on the 2017 School Performance Framework. NOT FINAL DESIGN Will need to plug in school’s AG rating – Comms will try to match the parent report design and still make it easily customizable for school leaders.
Based on our School Performance Framework results, we plan to focus on the following: Celebrations: X Opportunities for Growth:
Families play a key role in helping students – and our school – reach our performance goals. Families should always know where students are in their academic progress. Research shows that students with involved families earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills and show improved behavior. Setting Academic Standards goals can help your child be on track to graduate and be college and career ready. Since we are all here to support our students, let’s shift now to talking about how you can help your child achieve a hope or dream they have. The research is clear: People who set goals are more successful. Students learn up to 250% faster when goals are set for them – this is far more than when they are just told to ‘do their best’.
Families play a key role in helping students – and our school – reach our performance goals. Recommended next steps. Schedule a conversation with your student and their teacher about setting goals Check out standards.dpsk12.org to learn key skills your student should master this year Visit bealearninghero.org for tips and strategies Sign up/log in at myportal.dpsk12.org Since we are all here to support our students, let’s shift now to talking about how you can help your child achieve a hope or dream they have. The research is clear: People who set goals are more successful. Students learn up to 250% faster when goals are set for them – this is far more than when they are just told to ‘do their best’.