SpringerOpen goes books Bettina Goerner 19 September 2012 COASP, Budapest
It started with journals SpringerOpen launched in June 2010 SpringerOpen portfolio encompasses over 95 journals, covering all scientific disciplines CC BY Copyright author(s) APCs EUR 500 to EUR 1,500 More than 400 SpringerOpen/BioMed Central OA members
Book business at Springer 7,000 books annually Springer eBook Collection with more than 50,000 titles incl. MyCopy at EUR 24.95 Print book sales What does this mean for an OA business model?
SpringerOpen books in a nutshell SpringerOpen books launched in August 2012, covering all scientific disciplines All types of books (monographs, edited volumes, SpringerBriefs, proceedings) Quality and processes follow traditional books
The business model SpringerOpen books charges an OA fee To balance electronic revenues (ebook isn’t sold) To balance part of the print sales (print book priced lower) Fee is based on the number of pages per book. Average monograph costs around 15,000 EUR SpringerOpen books are covered by OA Membership Program: OA member authors are entitled to a 15% loyalty discount.
Another tricky question: NC or not Are books different from journals? With respect to commercial applications? Print? What else? Will customers still buy print for OA books? If yes, from whom?
Thank you. bettina.goerner@springer.com springeropen.com @springeropen