The New Landscape of Legality
Dimensions of Legal Compliance Law Enforcement in Country of Harvest Species (CITES, etc.) Supply Chain Transparency (documents) Trade & Commercial Law in Country of Sale
EU FLEG-T Voluntary Partnership Agreements EU has signed VPAs with: EU is negotiating VPAs with 9 others: Indonesia Cameroon Central African Republic Ghana Liberia Republic of Congo Together, these 15 countries cover 24% of the world's tropical forests and supply up to 75% of the EU's tropical timber imports. Cote d'Ivoire, DRC (Congo), Gabon Guyana, Honduras Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam
FLEG-T supply chain control points...
American National Standards Institute A management system for conducting due diligence in sourcing legal timber. Risk Assessment Due Diligence Document Control Inspection + Audit
Lacey Act Amendments -- 2008 National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Executive Director: “This (Lacey Act) legislation is a huge accomplishment for the wood products industry. Not only does it protect our world’s forests, it protects industry representatives who practice their due diligence when purchasing wood products from other countries.”