PODS Overview Patient-oriented Discharge Summaries (PODS) were originally developed through a group at UHN called OpenLab OpenLab conducted a study in 2013-14 focused on the current effectiveness of patient discharge education Results suggested a shift in focus for both the content and how discharge education was delivered
PODS Overview Results of study revealed 5 key areas of focus for patients: Medications Signs and symptoms to look out for and how to respond Changes to the patients routine F/U appointments Where to go for more information
SMH Implementation At SMH we’ve taken the principles of PODS and implemented them through our eDischarge system This allows us to employ consistent discharge education written in patient-friendly language Templated information covers basic changes to the patient’s routine and warning signs following their hospital stay http://edinburgh/eds/
Discharge Education The patient discharge summary should be reviewed with the patient prior to discharge This will give patient the opportunity to ask questions regarding the information included End goal is to integrate with EDD process so that patient summary can be delivered prior to the day-of-discharge
Key Sections Focus of templated content is “How I Might Feel” as well as “Changes to my Routine” Reviewing this content with the patient using patient education techniques can be very valuable
Patient Education Key strategies for effective discharge teaching: Start with what your patient wants to know Focus on key messages Use teach back
What is Teach-back? Proven method to improve understanding Asks patients to repeat taught information in their own words Put onus on the educator rather than pressure on the patient “I want to make sure I explained things correctly…”