Year 7 information evening Welcome to…. Year 7 information evening
Exam Results 2014 71% of students achieved the headline figure of 5 A*-C including English and Maths 81% of students achieved 5 A*-C grades 82% of students achieved a grade C or above in Maths 77% of students achieved a grade C or above in English
Welcome to secondary school……. A time of change….. Personalisation……. Enrichment…………. Achievement………..
Organisation of the Curriculum There are two halves of year 7… A ‘four half’ Dmu, DM, KRo, SP A ‘three half’ AK, HB, CMa All tutor groups are mixed ability and are all of similar overall ability. English, RS, History, Geography, ICT, Drama, PDC, Music, Science, Art, French and German are taught in tutor groups.
Other subjects……. Maths – 3 hrs. Pupils are set. Technology – 2 ½ hrs. Groups are rearranged and are smaller than usual due to practical nature of subject. Groups rotate around activities on a half termly basis. PE – each half of the year is split into 4 classes. Groupings are generally mixed ability and can be mixed sex or single sex depending on the activity,
Key stage 3 – year 7 and 8 The organisation of year 8 is broadly similar to year 7. There is a curriculum map for each half term in year 7 and 8 The terms have been planned to promote links between learning in subject areas Term 6 is International term – activities in and out of class are planned.
options Pupils will choose a language and a humanities subject to study in Key Stage 4 in March of year 8. A further two options from a wide choice will be chosen in February of year 9 Pupils will be able to choose another language or another humanities subject at this point (if they wish)
Languages….YEAR 8 OPTIONS A choice of… Double Language (2 GCSE’s over 3 years) French GCSE German GCSE Spanish GCSE Foundation Learning
Humanities… Choice from… History GCSE Geography GCSE RS Foundation Learning
Foundation learning Jamie Oliver Cooking Skills Accredited sports and fitness award Duke of Edinburgh skills Forest Schools
Option Blocks – Open Choose 2 subjects and a reserve option Art and Design Computing Drama Information Technology Music Physical Education Religious Studies French Geography Performing Arts: Dance (Btec) (GCSE unless stated) Child Development German History Graphic Products Resistant Materials Food Technology Textiles Spanish Classical Civilisations
gcse All GCSE’s will be ‘new style’ Terminal examinations Much less emphasis on coursework (controlled assessment) Grades 1 9 rather than A*-G (9 will be the highest)
New GCSE grades The bottom of new grade 4 will be closely aligned to the bottom of current grade C. The bottom of new grade 1 will be closely aligned to the bottom of current grade G. The bottom of new grade 7 will be closely aligned with the bottom of current grade A. For each exam subject and series, the top 20 per cent of those who get grade 7 or above will get a grade 9.
Changes to headline measures 5 A*-C is being replaced as the key accountability to schools by Progress 8 Attainment, Ebacc and attendance will also be reported on Progress 8 measures student progress across 8 subject areas Seen as a fairer system to judge schools
houses House points awarded for Sports day, Interform, Reward points, Departmental competitons e.g spelling challenges etc House points update on the website
Important dates THIS TERM September – CATS tests and Blacklands Farm 22nd September – PTA meeting 30th September – Learning Support Coffee Morning (9.15am) 2nd October – Science Family Fun Evening 6th October – Downlands Forum (6pm) 10th October – INSET DAY 23rd October - Year 7 Settling In Evening 14th November – Children in Need – non uniform day 16th December – Year 7 Xmas Disco