Brian Roberts U.S. Lotteries and the Internet – Revolution or Evolution? 1
Words of Wisdom Profound Words of Wisdom 2 Im Listening
U.S. Gaming Market 1964 excluding Racetracks 3
U.S. Gaming Market
40 states 900,000 machines 5
The Point If we dont take those BABY STEPS to take ownership of the Internet our competitors will; Just like they took VLTs! Things Evolve, little by little, BABY STEPS 6
The INTERNET is NOT a NEW FORM or EXPANSION of GAMING The INTERNET It is a Global System of Interconnected Computer Networks 7
The Political Debate The mere mention of Internet and gaming in the same sentence, regardless of legitimacy of the activity fuels the political debate. Todays debate is confused by our competitors; under the mantra of allowing people to play poker over the Internet; but it want stop there. 8
Change our Terminology OUT: Internet Gaming i-gaming Playing on the internet IN: Digital retail channels e-commerce m-commerce Online sales 9
The Gaming and Consumer Markets Have Changed The current practices of selling lottery tickets do not appeal to new consumers who prefer to make purchases online at their convenience. 10
Providing e-commerce for the sale of existing lottery products simply expands the retail base to maximize sales; it does not expand gaming. It is protecting the franchise that state legislatures have given their respective Lotteries to provide funding for good causes. Benefits and Experience 11
Commercial Break The Worlds Largest e- Retailer of Lottery Tickets 12
MORE Words of Wisdom Remember – Things are not always the same as we think they are! 13