-Bob Fosse https://youtu.be/fnf-GBHn-18 Journal Entry#1 6/20/18 Reflect on the quote . . . “Don’t dance for the audience, dance for yourself.” -Bob Fosse https://youtu.be/fnf-GBHn-18
Formation Activity: 6/20/18 You are a choreographer that is staging a musical for 18 dancers. Design 12 different formations you can use throughout the musical numbers. Note- Use an “x” to represent one person Ex. X X X X X X X
Artistic Dance: purpose of artistic dances is to create and perform a routine that conveys and evokes a meaning and emotion
purpose of ceremonial dances is to perform at a celebration (wedding,etc.) or ceremony (Native- American or African dances for hunting, war, rain, etc.) Ceremonial dance:
Recreational dance: the purpose recreational dances are to perform in social and fun setting (folk, line, etc.)
Choreography: the art of composing dances; planning and arranging the movements, steps, and patterns of dancers for an entire work. Choreographer: person who creates dance compositions and plans and arranges dance movements and patterns for a dance/routine
Dance composition: A group of dance movements with a beginning, middle and end
Expressive qualities: ideas and emotions communicated by the movement patterns of a dance composition (happiness, loss, love, sadness, etc)
Force: the use of energy while moving
Improvisation: to create or make up movement at the moment without previous preparation
Manipulate: to adapt, maneuver, control or change existing movement
Motif: a pattern, theme or repeating design in dance
Space: The area covered by the dance movements Space: The area covered by the dance movements. (This includes shape, level, directions and pathways) Directions: forward, backward, sideways, up, down, etc. Levels: the distance from the floor (high, medium, low) Pathways: patterns that the body makes as it moves through space or on the floor (diagonal, straight, zigzag, circular, etc) Shape: the design of the body as it exists in space
Time: The movement is:. Tempo: How fast or slow Time: The movement is: Tempo: How fast or slow Allegro: fast and upbeat Adagio: slow Beat: even or uneven Duration: and long or short the movement
Transition: a movement used to shift or connect from one movement to the next.