3rd May 2012 Antimicrobial Stewardship Forum Wallis Suite, All Nations Centre, Cardiff Robin A Howe Antimicrobial use in Primary Care
20th August 2010, Paul Williams, Director General of Health & Social Services To reduce the incidence of Clostridium difficile infection and the risk of increasing antimicrobial resistance in existing and emerging pathogens Medical Directors agreed that an all Wales approach to antimicrobial prescribing should be adopted. Public Health Wales has been tasked with developing an evidence based policy and protocols to facilitate this approach. Effective implementation will be dependent on the full engagement of medical directors, prescribing clinicians, local antimicrobial pharmacists, primary care colleagues and support from Public Health Wales”.
Progress Agreement from Joint Medical Directors Group Endorsement from DARHAI (Decontamination, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Healthcare-Associated Infection Group) for establishment of an Antimicrobial Guideline Development Group Partnership between Public Health Wales & Welsh Medicines Partnership
Proposed membership for AGDG) 4 consultant microbiologists (with representation across Wales) 4 antimicrobial pharmacists (with representation across Wales) GPC Wales representative (with prescribing interest in antimicrobials) Chair of the All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group 3 representatives of the PHW Antimicrobial Resistance Programme 1 representative of the Welsh Medicines Partnership Likely support agreed 0.2 wte WMP 0.2 wte PHW
Initial Outline Workplan
Session 1: Formularies & Guidance (10.20 - 13:00) Chairperson: Karen Fitzgerald 10.20 Guest Speaker Developing HPA guidance for the management of infection in Primary Care Cliodna McNulty (HPAPrimary Care Unit) 10.40 Primary Care guidance in Wales Lorna McFarlane (Public Health Wales) 11:00 Discussion and coffee break 11.40 Supporting good prescribing practice in Primary Care Cliodna McNulty 12.00 ATTRACT – a system that provides rapid evidence based summaries to clinical questions Jon Brassey (TRIP, Public Health Wales) 12.20 Injectable Medicines Guide and formularies update Robin Burfield (NWIS) 12:40 An update on the standard prescription chart for Wales Bob McArtney (Pharmacy, UHW) 13.00 LUNCH
Session 2: ECDC Point Prevalence Survey (13.40 - 15.45) Chairperson: Dafydd Williams 13:40 E-learning programme: HCAI update and antibiotic prescribing option Neil Wigglesworth (WHAIP, Public Health Wales) 14:00 PPS of HAI and Medical Device Usage 2011 Eleri Davies (WHAIP, Public Health Wales) 14.30 PPS of Antimicrobial Usage 2011 Robin Howe (ARP, Public Health Wales) 15.20 Discussion and Closing remarks