Michael Ianacone E-Portfolio 2016-2017
STEAM We made cotton swab teepees Trial and error Make a base for it We made a giant pinball machine Reflections; I learned that if we all work together we can accomplish anything
Robotics It worked my brain and I liked it It was fun to engineer a good robot design then program it even if it took ten hours It was also fun to compete in the end 6th in CTF Competed in CTF, and maze
Khan Academy Khan is a free educational website For the first two weeks I focused on coding leaning java script Then I started doing internet 101 which I learned how the internet works
Reflections I have done many thing over the year including JavaScript, robotics, STEAM, and writing in a packet My favorite was robotics
Extended Learning Seminar We played Mars or Bust, which is a game where you build a building out of paper We then played two truths and a lie, black out bingo, and a game where we pass a description of a picture and the last person draws it out I learned that astronauts risk getting bad vision for the rest of their life by going into space
Bibliography https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbalsersbulletin.weebl y.com%2Fuploads%2F3%2F7%2F4%2F6%2F37466509%2F713007698_orig.jpg&img refurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbalsersbulletin.weebly.com%2Fkhan- academy.html&docid=v4Ks- b8Q9ztaUM&tbnid=s4ZsuhC6fxmxnM%3A&vet=1&w=1842&h=910&bih=667&biw =1366&q=khan%20academy&ved=0ahUKEwiaj_SissfSAhVE3mMKHaWVAlMQMwh UKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8