Jackson Hageman e-Portfolio
S.T.E.A.M We made a teepee out off Q-tips. I learned about structure. Use glue and or tape.
Law Icivics I learned rights and some of the rights I learned are the 1st amendment and that is the freedom of speech and religion and the second amendment which says that any man can bear arms.
Robotics I liked that it got my brain working and it was a nice challenge. If I got to change something I think a little more time would be nice and if my robot would stop breaking. It was fun to design my own robots It was nice to get to share ideas with my friends.
Reflections This year I learned how to code and I also learned more about law. I have learned a lot more laws and I can think of some of them off the top of my head. In robotics I got 8th on the push and I got 4th on the capture the flag.
Extended Learning Seminar We played Mars or bust, two truths and one lie, black out bingo. The main event was getting to talk to Roger Storm who works for NASA. We also played a game that was like telephone but you had to draw a picture at the end. I learned that Astronauts drink their pee.
Pinball We made a pinball machine with a working launcher. I found that engineering has a lot of trial and error. I think that working with multiple people makes the rate of success