What is a third party? Why are they important? Thursday October 4, 2012 What is a third party? Why are they important?
CE 5c: Analyzing campaigns for public office with emphasis on the role of the media.
What do we see/hear? Speeches Mailers (pamphlets, post cards) Advertisements (print ads, tv/radio commercials, billboards, etc.)
What should we listen/look for? 1. Separate fact from opinion. 2. Detecting bias. 3. Evaluating sources. 4. Identifying propaganda.
Separate Fact from Opinion Look for actual numbers and figures Ex. “Unemployment rate drops 1.2% during governor’s first term.” Opinions are usually based on generalizations Ex. (p. 624) “Piece by Piece We’re Losing Our City”
Detecting Bias Bias – favoring of one point of view A media image from a candidate’s campaign is of course going to be biased. They want you to support their candidate. Newspapers, television news stations, and news personalities can also be biased. (p. 627)
Evaluating Sources Where is your information coming from? Is it coming from an interest group or PAC? The candidate’s political party? An editorial in the local newspaper?
Identifying Propaganda Propaganda – a message that is meant to influence a people’s ideas, opinions, or actions in a certain way. A message is called propaganda when it tells only one side of the story, distorts the truth, or appeals mostly to people’s feelings There are many propaganda techniques…
Bandwagon Appeal to desire to follow the crowd. “Everybody’s doing it.” Ex. “Polls show that more than 80 percent of voters support me.” Ex. Dwight Eisenhower 1952 “Ike for President” http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1952
Name Calling Attach negative labels to your opponent. Ex. “He’s soft on crime.” George W. Bush 2004 “Weapons” http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/type/fear
Transfer Connect yourself to a respected person, group, or symbol. Ex. “Remember what Abraham Lincoln said…” Ex. John F. Kennedy “Harry Belafonte” http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1960
Card Stacking Uses only facts that support your argument. Ex. “95% of citizens surveyed support Mrs. Jones for City Council: ‘Time after time, my opponent voted against legislation that would have supported new jobs in our community.’” Ex. Bob Dole “Riady” 1996 http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1996
Plain Folks Tell voters that you are just like them – an ordinary person with similar needs and ideas. Often candidates appear without a suit. Ex. “I’ve lived in this city all my life. My children go to the same schools as your children do.” Ex. Barack Obama “Country that I love” 2008 http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/2008
Glittering Generalities Uses words and phrases that sound appealing and that everyone agrees with, but generally doesn’t state a position. Ex. “I stand for freedom and the American way.” Ex. Ronald Reagan 1984 “Prouder, Stronger, Better.” http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1984
Mass Media Role in Elections Identifying candidates Emphasizing selected issues Ex. Unemployment Writing editorials, creating political cartoons, publishing op-ed pieces Broadcasting different points of view
Exit Ticket You will view one last political advertisement. Many techniques are used in this advertisement. Describe at least two techniques that you recognize and support your opinions with details. http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/2008