john m. dettoni, ph.d. Chrysalis Ministries


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Presentation transcript:

john m. dettoni, ph.d. Chrysalis Ministries On Being a Leader john m. dettoni, ph.d. Chrysalis Ministries

What is Leadership?

Are Leaders people who do something?

If so, what kinds of things do Leaders do?


Is leadership something that is within a person, existing before it is demonstrated in action?

Is it possible that persons could act in various leadership capacities but not be leaders?

Does a person’s being, that is, a person’s character, values, “beingness,” etc. precede actions?

Do leadership actions come from inside the person or are they “learned” behaviors? That is, a set of skills applied consciously to social situations?

Is leadership first an issue of character, that is, beingness and NOT just social skills?

If so, what is it that makes a person leader If so, what is it that makes a person leader? What does “being a leader” in a post-management era mean?


Leadership is….

Leadership is…. Fulfilling the Kingdom of God: Doing the will of the Father, and teaching the values of the kingdom. John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 14:31; 19:30(“It is finished!”)

Leadership is…. A spiritual process and discipline involving inner character: Commitment to Christ as one's Lord and the head of the Church Walking in the Spirit and not the flesh Losing one's self in sacrificial agape for and to other Being an example to the believers.

Character is therefore spiritually grounded: - inner dwelling, transforming one’s being, and - demonstrated behaviorally affecting all of one’s life and relationships (including home, work, church, friendships, etc.).

Being a Leader is…. A process, not a mechanical skill.

Leader is…. A person not a position.

Being a Leader is…. A relationship not a rank. NOT Titles: president, chair person, General, “rabbi,” “teacher,” Dr…., Rev…., even Pastor!

Being a Leader is…. A personal function not a power operation. Function: action based on relationships, not from position of power!!

Being a Leader is…. A responsibility not a privilege.

Leader…. Empowers others, not maintains one's own power.

Leader …. Equips people not controls them.

Leader…. Sends the people out to serve in the world, does not hoard them for one’s self or one’s local church or program. The people of God exist to serve the world in Christ’s name, not the leader’s name!

Being a Leader…. Is Service not stature nor status.

Being a Leader is…. A developmental nurturing relationship with people within an organization who:

Share a common mission and visions Hold shared values Mold and shape the vision together Agree upon desired outcomes for the mission and visions. Agree on goals, objectives, activities. Work together (co-workers) on agreed upon tasks

Leadership is…. Helping others to: Identify their spiritual gifts Enhance their spiritual gifts Deploy their spiritual gifts Use their spiritual gifts Evaluate the operation of their spiritual gifts Continually enhance their spiritual gifts.

Being a Leader is…. Not just getting tasks (jobs) done. Leaders help people to be transformed as they do their tasks so that they serve Christ in his Church and in the world that God so loves.

Being a Leader is…. Not just getting the task done but doing the right thing and doing it right with the right people.

Leader…. Builds people not manipulates them merely to obtain quantifiable goals, "bottom line" objectives. Goal is maturing people, not programs or buildings or recognition.

Being a Leader requires… Renaissance Rebirth of character Rebirth of one’s leadership paradigm Rebirth of action

Being a Leader requires… Discipleship Following Christ as one’s Lord Being “In Christ” Dedicated as living sacrifices to Christ – continually being transformed Walking in the Spirit Filled by the Holy Spirit

Leaders… Identify, use, and enhance one’s spiritual gifts Maturing in Christ in all things Luke 9:23; Romans 12:1,2; Romans 8:1-17; Ephesians 5:18; Ephesians 4:11-13

Being a Leader requires… Vocation: A calling from God to help people to develop, mature, and grow in order to do the work of the ministry — in a word…



Nurturers do four things: 1. GROW – help to facilitate others to grow as whole people to become more and more mature as God intends them to be

Nurturers do four things: 2. SPIRITUAL GIFTS – help to facilitate others to identify, develop, and enhance their spiritual gifts, talents, calling

Nurturers do four things: 3. DEPLOY – help others to deploy and use their spiritual gifts for the ministry of Christ in the Church and in the world. 1 Thess. 2:3-13

Nurturers do four things: 4. Focus on People - Seek to help all the people to go from what they are now to what they are called by God to be.

Leaders lead PEOPLE, not organizations

Christ said , "I will build my church Christ said , "I will build my church." This does not mean a building but the people of God.

The focus is not on organizational thinking and tasks, nor concerned with the maintenance of an organization and the organization's rules and bureaucratic “correctness.”

Must focus on helping people to grow in Christ in all ways Must focus on helping people to grow in Christ in all ways. Christian maturity is measured by the standard of the Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 4:15

Leadership Requires… Challengers, “boat rockers," iconoclastic, innovators: Challenge the status quo and traditions, seeking new and better ways to be effective in ministry.

Leaders readily recognized that God is the God of the NEW, not of the old only --Isa. 43:15-19 Radically committed to the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of the Kingdom, not tradition.

Leadership Requires… Mission and Vision: Mission & Vision provide the reason for being a leader and a direction for where all are going Driven by vision--people becoming more than what they are now, of what God is calling people and organization to be and do.

Leaders are compelled by a vision of helping people to become and to keep on becoming transformed people who in turn continually help to transform themselves, their group, organization, and society.

Col. 1:28-29: Paul demonstrated a restless, energetic, always moving forward person who will not allow others to become complacent, passive, disengaged or unengaged.

Leaders are driven by a shared vision that is shaped by those in leadership and by those who are led.

Mutually owned vision because it has been developed in community, not in isolation by those "in power."

Guard and keep the vision and communicate that vision constantly to those within the organization regardless of the organization's size and complexity.

Leaders are charged with keeping the vision alive before the group. (e.g., Moses and promised land; 1 Tim. 6:20)

Leadership Requires Values, Beliefs, Commitments Leaders know their own values and beliefs. Leaders teach what is important for the people and all the other leaders.

Values, beliefs, commitments are not imposed on people and other leaders. They are mutually shared and accepted and thus form the foundation for planning and action.

Leadership Requires Building Trust In the organism and its mission, vision, leadership, and people of God.

Leadership Requires Communication: Clear, continued communication of values, mission, program, and plans so that people share, shape, and own the mission, values, program, and plans.

Leadership Requires Building of a Nurturing, Developmental, Servant, Gifted Community: Based on the personally owned mission and values.

There must be a sense of community and vision: Acts 15; Rom. 15:5; Mark 10:45

Build trust in the community's vision, in the people themselves, in the ability of the people to achieve the vision, and in the leaders.

"God is leading us and therefore we can do it.” 1 Cor. 15:58: We do not do God's work in vain.

Leadership Requires… Encouraging and Equipping: Enable, empower, facilitate equip, encourage, and teach others so that all in the organism and organization can achieve the vision, attain the outcomes desired, accomplish the tasks determined by the vision, and determined by the operations of the people's spiritual gifts.

Eph. 4:12, body builds itself up in love. All are to fulfill their mission within the values, mission and program of the organism and organization to which they belong.

Leadership Requires Modeling and Demonstration: Leaders lead by modeling and demonstrating what it is to be a leader. No “bald-headed barbers selling hair grower.” Leaders lead by good example, not just by instructions and telling.

Leadership Requires… Organizing and Managing: The whole process needs to be well organized and managed by the leaders.

Leadership Requires… Evaluation and Feedback for Correction: Constantly help all to evaluate and make corrections regarding: the vision, program, and plans revising them in light of new data, experiences, insights, and keeping them all fresh the organization and management to keep it renewed and renewing.

DEFINITION of a LEADER [in the Church]

Function: a leader is one who helps other people to grow, develop, and mature so that the people begin and continue to fulfill the will of the Father.

Purpose: To help people identify, develop, exercise, and continually improve their God-given gifts, talents, and natural abilities.

Outcome: so that the people of God might be built up in love and minister to others in order to fulfill the purpose of the Church of Christ in this world and therefore have fulfilled the will of the Father!

A leader is, therefore, a nurturing, developmental shepherd-servant who ministers to, for, and with others.


Pastors: A pastor is not necessarily this type of leader. Often "pastors" are preachers/speakers and bosses, but not shepherd-servants of either God or the people.

Laity: Laity, that is, the people of God including elders, deacons, chair people, teachers, other leaders, and all the other people of God in the Church are not necessarily this type of leader! (Laity in the marketplace need this type of leadership.)


Jesus did not teach leadership skills and behaviors.

Jesus demonstrated a life of leadership, explained what was behind his actions, and provided opportunities for his disciples to be leaders, too.

Jesus communicated: faith – not just facts; way to live – not just words, understanding and wisdom – not just knowledge, purpose of life – not shibboleth, passage words divine life – not just divine law.

If you want to be this kind of leader, do what Jesus did:

Take up a towel and “Wash feet!!”