Three way ANOVA If there was One way then and Two way, then you knew that there had to be………
Three way Mixed Model In a Human Factors experiment, there were two Job types, Dimensional stimulus (two or three dimensions), and five Analysts who performed ratings. Job type and dimension may be considered fixed (repeatable) factors. Analyst may be considered random (different in another run of the experiment). Primary interest is consistency (or differences) between stimulus types, two or three dimensional. Data from Hicks 1982, Fundamental Concepts in Design of Experiments (good reference).
Data structure (partial…)
Layout of Design
Linear Model notation
Linear Model
ANOVA Summary
Detailed ANOVA with Mean Squares
What are “correct” F-tests? Table first…
Candidate terms for coefficients For each term in the model: Then candidates for variance components:
EMS using Restricted Model (Cornfeld-Tukey)
Correct F-tests for Fixed Effects
Residuals by Predicted
Normality Plot of Residuals
Shapiro-Wilk Test of Normality Goodness-of-Fit Test Shapiro-Wilk W Test W Prob<W 0.984424 0.8463 Note: Ho = The data is from the Normal distribution. Small p-values reject Ho.
Conclusions The differences among levels of the fixed effects are not greater than that which would be expected by chance over this population of Analysts. If one were to consider Analysts fixed, then one would test all terms against Experimental Error (which has lower variation), but any conclusions would only apply to these Analysts.
All factors fixed analysis (inference changes)
Dimension and Analyst
LS Means HSD
Job and Analyst
LS Means HSD