The Middle East Do Now: complete the reading “The Middle East and Oil” The creation of Israel, The Iranian Revolution & Iraq and Saddam Hussein
Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
Nationalist Movements Pan-Arabism The Arab goal to create an Arab nation Zionism The Israeli goal to create the nation of Israel Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
The Partition How do you think the Palestinians felt about the creation of Israel? Balfour Declaration: The British allowed The Jews to enter Palestine The United Nations Partitioned the area and created Israel. Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
Israeli and Palestinian Peace? Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Leader: Yasir Arafat Attempts at Peace 1993, Yasser Arafat and Israeli leader, Yitzhak Rabin signed a peace agreement. It allowed Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank limited self-rule Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
The Oslo Accords
Israel vs. Palestine Israel and Palestine will fight three wars between 1948 and 1976 Israel will gain land each time Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
Questions How do you think the Israelis felt about the creation of their own state? (Think about WWII) Were western countries wise in their decision about the partition of Palestine? Why or why not? Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
Summary How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East? Aim: How did the creation of Israel create conflict in the Middle East?
Aim: How has the Iranian Revolution impacted the Middle East’s relationship with the west? Do Now: Who is “the west”? What do you know about the Middle East today?
The Iranian Revolution Nationalism and Oil The primary struggle had to do with oil The U.S. backed the leader in Iran: Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi What do you think I mean by “the U.S. backed the leader in Iran? How has the Iranian Revolution impacted the Middle East’s relationship with the west?
Iranian Nationalism OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries- Not recognized by oil importers in the west How has the Iranian Revolution impacted the Middle East’s relationship with the west?
Ayatolla Khomeini Ayatolla Khomeini drove out the Shah Western ideas and practices were banned
Summary How do you think the Iranian Revolution affect their relationship with the West?
Aim: How did Saddam Hussein’s leadership impact Iraq? Do Now: Answer the following questions in your notebook: What is a Dictator? What other dictators have we learned about this year?
Saddam Hussein’s Rise to Power Member of the Ba’ath party, which was in power since 1968 July 1979 Hussein becomes president Who does this remind you of? (think of who Germany elected) The Revolutionary Command Council tried to overthrow Hussein (he executed them) Used violence to stay in power How did Saddam Hussein’s leadership impact Iraq?
Iran-Iraq War (1980’s) Act of aggression What countries acted aggressively prior to WWII? After the Shah fell in Iran, Hussein renounced a border treaty he had signed with Iran Used weapons of mass destruction Nerve agents tabun and sarin Results: heavy casualties and economic decline How did Saddam Hussein’s leadership impact Iraq?
Iraq attacks Iran
Saddam Hussein uses Chemical Weapons on his People
1st Persian Gulf War 1990 Hussein invade Kuwait Did not allow the Red Cross access to Kuwait Hussein used violence and terror Took hostages Set fire to over 1,160 Kuwaiti oil wells NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) lead by the U.S. forced Hussein out of Kuwait Up until his death, Hussein refused to comply with UN obligation to report POW’s. Many are still missing today. What is a POW? How did Saddam Hussein’s leadership impact Iraq?
Iraq invades Kuwait
Internal Repression- The Kurds and the Shias (Shi’ites) Human Rights Violation Saddam Hussein persecuted the Iraqi Kurds Chemical weapons were used against the Kurds during the attack on Halabja (1988) Farms were taken from the Kurds and given to Iraqi Shias How did Saddam Hussein’s leadership impact Iraq?
Summary How did Hussein’s leadership affect Iraq? Who else in Global History is Hussein like and why?